
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Community Service Argument Essay

Community Service Argument Green Bay High Schools are being faced with a very controversial issue, which revolves around whether or not community service hours are needed to graduate. High schools are arguing that 24 hours of community service are needed to graduate from their facility of learning, but many frustrated students are voicing protests to this demand. This situation has caused much controversy among the school system and many arguments have risen in support and against this community service issue. Supporters of the community service project argue that if students fulfill their 24 hours of community service in high school they will develop into upstanding pillars of the community. They believe that students will become better aware of what the real world is like by doing community service and giving back to their community. Students will learn valuable life lessons by participating in community service and will feel good about themselves for helping others in need. Protestors have struck back with a very solid argument. They feel that if high school students are forced to do community service they will begin to see it as a punishment and as something that they have to do because it is required instead of something that they want to do because it is the right thing to do. Students will in the future look back at the community service projects that they were forced to do throughout high school and will continue to carry a negative outlook on community service for the entirety of their lifetime. Another idea that the protestors give about this community service issue is time constraints will make it close to impossible for high school students to fill the necessary 24 hours needed to graduate. High school students have an enormous amount of things going on in their lives. They attend school daily for 7 hours, participate in extra-curricular activities, and have part-time jobs. High school students have such a limited amount of time for themselves, as it is that by tacking on another time-consuming project like community service is ridiculous. Supporters argue back that high school students only need to fulfill 24 hours of community service throughout 4 years, that really isn’t asking a whole lot of time commitment. If students budget their time and start the community service when they are a freshman all they need to do is an hour every other week and they will still be done  with a year or so to spare. A final controversial issue that pops up is transportation. The protestors argue that freshman and sophomores in high school do not have their driver’s license, so how are they expected to get to their community service site when their parents or friends are at work or just to busy to give them a ride. Unless the school offers a means of transportation for the students there really is no solution to this problem. The supporters argue that students can find community service projects close to home or if they live in the country find another student to car pool with. Forcing students to complete 24 hours of community service in high school in order to graduate is a very controversial issue. Both sides have solid arguments about why community service should or should not be forced upon students. Community service is a wonderful thing that everyone should be required to do at some point in their life, but are high school students mature and responsible enough to take on community service projects at this stage in their life?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Twilight 7. NIGHTMARE

7. NIGHTMARE I told Charlie I had a lot of homework to do, and that I didn't want anything to eat. There was a basketball game on that he was excited about, though of course I had no idea what was special about it, so he wasn't aware of anything unusual in my face or tone. Once in my room, I locked the door. I dug through my desk until I found my old headphones, and I plugged them into my little CD player. I picked up a CD that Phil had given to me for Christmas. It was one of his favorite bands, but they used a little too much bass and shrieking for my tastes. I popped it into place and lay down on my bed. I put on the headphones, hit Play, and turned up the volume until it hurt my ears. I closed my eyes, but the light still intruded, so I added a pillow over the top half of my face. I concentrated very carefully on the music, trying to understand the lyrics, to unravel the complicated drum patterns. By the third time I'd listened through the CD, I knew all the words to the choruses, at least. I was surprised to find that I really did like the band after all, once I got past the blaring noise. I'd have to thank Phil again. And it worked. The shattering beats made it impossible for me to think – which was the whole purpose of the exercise. I listened to the CD again and again, until I was singing along with all the songs, until, finally, I fell asleep. I opened my eyes to a familiar place. Aware in some corner of my consciousness that I was dreaming, I recognized the green light of the forest. I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby. And I knew that if I found the ocean, I'd be able to see the sun. I was trying to follow the sound, but then Jacob Black was there, tugging on my hand, pulling me back toward the blackest part of the forest. â€Å"Jacob? What's wrong?† I asked. His face was frightened as he yanked with all his strength against my resistance; I didn't want to go into the dark. â€Å"Run, Bella, you have to run!† he whispered, terrified. â€Å"This way, Bella!† I recognized Mike's voice calling out of the gloomy heart of the trees, but I couldn't see him. â€Å"Why?† I asked, still pulling against Jacob's grasp, desperate now to find the sun. But Jacob let go of my hand and yelped, suddenly shaking, falling to the dim forest floor. He twitched on the ground as I watched in horror. â€Å"Jacob!† I screamed. But he was gone. In his place was a large red-brown wolf with black eyes. The wolf faced away from me, pointing toward the shore, the hair on the back of his shoulders bristling, low growls issuing from between his exposed fangs. â€Å"Bella, run!† Mike cried out again from behind me. But I didn't turn. I was watching a light coming toward me from the beach. And then Edward stepped out from the trees, his skin faintly glowing, his eyes black and dangerous. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. The wolf growled at my feet. I took a step forward, toward Edward. He smiled then, and his teeth were sharp, pointed. â€Å"Trust me,† he purred. I took another step. The wolf launched himself across the space between me and the vampire, fangs aiming for the jugular. â€Å"No!† I screamed, wrenching upright out of my bed. My sudden movement caused the headphones to pull the CD player off the bedside table, and it clattered to the wooden floor. My light was still on, and I was sitting fully dressed on the bed, with my shoes on. I glanced, disoriented, at the clock on my dresser. It was five-thirty in the morning. I groaned, fell back, and rolled over onto my face, kicking off my boots. I was too uncomfortable to get anywhere near sleep, though. I rolled back over and unbuttoned my jeans, yanking them off awkwardly as I tried to stay horizontal. I could feel the braid in my hair, an uncomfortable ridge along the back of my skull. I turned onto my side and ripped the rubber band out, quickly combing through the plaits with my fingers. I pulled the pillow back over my eyes. It was all no use, of course. My subconscious had dredged up exactly the images I'd been trying so desperately to avoid. I was going to have to face them now. I sat up, and my head spun for a minute as the blood flowed downward. First things first, I thought to myself, happy to put it off as long as possible. I grabbed my bathroom bag. The shower didn't last nearly as long as I hoped it would, though. Even taking the time to blow-dry my hair, I was soon out of things to do in the bathroom. Wrapped in a towel, I crossed back to my room. I couldn't tell if Charlie was still asleep, or if he had already left. I went to look out my window, and the cruiser was gone. Fishing again. I dressed slowly in my most comfy sweats and then made my bed – something I never did. I couldn't put it off any longer. I went to my desk and switched on my old computer. I hated using the Internet here. My modem was sadly outdated, my free service substandard; just dialing up took so long that I decided to go get myself a bowl of cereal while I waited. I ate slowly, chewing each bite with care. When I was done, I washed the bowl and spoon, dried them, and put them away. My feet dragged as I climbed the stairs. I went to my CD player first, picking it up off the floor and placing it precisely in the center of the table. I pulled out the headphones, and put them away in the desk drawer. Then I turned the same CD on, turning it down to the point where it was background noise. With another sigh, I turned to my computer. Naturally, the screen was covered in pop-up ads. I sat in my hard folding chair and began closing all the little windows. Eventually I made it to my favorite search engine. I shot down a few more pop-ups and then typed in one word. Vampire. It took an infuriatingly long time, of course. When the results came up, there was a lot to sift through – everything from movies and TV shows to role-playing games, underground metal, and gothic cosmetic companies. Then I found a promising site – Vampires A-Z. I waited impatiently for it to load, quickly clicking closed each ad that flashed across the screen. Finally the screen was finished – simple white background with black text, academic-looking. Two quotes greeted me on the home page: Throughout the vast shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so terrible, no figure so dreaded and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination, as the vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon, but yet who partakes the dark natures and possesses the mysterious and terrible qualities of both. – Rev. Montague Summers If there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of the vampires. Nothing is lacking: official reports, affidavits of well-known people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates; the judicial proof is most complete. And with all that, who is there who believes in vampires? – Rousseau The rest of the site was an alphabetized listing of all the different myths of vampires held throughout the world. The first I clicked on, the Danag, was a Filipino vampire supposedly responsible for planting taro on the islands long ago. The myth continued that the Danag worked with humans for many years, but the partnership ended one day when a woman cut her finger and a Danag sucked her wound, enjoying the taste so much that it drained her body completely of blood. I read carefully through the descriptions, looking for anything that sounded familiar, let alone plausible. It seemed that most vampire myths centered around beautiful women as demons and children as victims; they also seemed like constructs created to explain away the high mortality rates for young children, and to give men an excuse for infidelity. Many of the stories involved bodiless spirits and warnings against improper burials. There wasn't much that sounded like the movies I'd seen, and only a very few, like the Hebrew Estrie and the Polish Upier, who were even preoccupied with drinking blood. Only three entries really caught my attention: the Romanian Varacolaci, a powerful undead being who could appear as a beautiful, pale-skinned human, the Slovak Nelapsi, a creature so strong and fast it could massacre an entire village in the single hour after midnight, and one other, the Stregoni benefici. About this last there was only one brief sentence. Stregoni benefici: An Italian vampire, said to be on the side of goodness, and a mortal enemy of all evil vampires. It was a relief, that one small entry, the one myth among hundreds that claimed the existence of good vampires. Overall, though, there was little that coincided with Jacob's stories or my own observations. I'd made a little catalogue in my mind as I'd read and carefully compared it with each myth. Speed, strength, beauty, pale skin, eyes that shift color; and then Jacob's criteria: blood drinkers, enemies of the werewolf, cold-skinned, and immortal. There were very few myths that matched even one factor. And then another problem, one that I'd remembered from the small number of scary movies that I'd seen and was backed up by today's reading – vampires couldn't come out in the daytime, the sun would burn them to a cinder. They slept in coffins all day and came out only at night. Aggravated, I snapped off the computer's main power switch, not waiting to shut things down properly. Through my irritation, I felt overwhelming embarrassment. It was all so stupid. I was sitting in my room, researching vampires. What was wrong with me? I decided that most of the blame belonged on the doorstep of the town of Forks – and the entire sodden Olympic Peninsula, for that matter. I had to get out of the house, but there was nowhere I wanted to go that didn't involve a three-day drive. I pulled on my boots anyway, unclear where I was headed, and went downstairs. I shrugged into my raincoat without checking the weather and stomped out the door. It was overcast, but not raining yet. I ignored my truck and started east on foot, angling across Charlie's yard toward the ever-encroaching forest. It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible, for the only sound to be the squish of the damp earth under my feet and the sudden cries of the jays. There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this. My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get lost in much less helpful surroundings. The trail wound deeper and deeper into the forest, mostly east as far as I could tell. It snaked around the Sitka spruces and the hemlocks, the yews and the maples. I only vaguely knew the names of the trees around me, and all I knew was due to Charlie pointing them out to me from the cruiser window in earlier days. There were many I didn't know, and others I couldn't be sure about because they were so covered in green parasites. I followed the trail as long as my anger at myself pushed me forward. As that started to ebb, I slowed. A few drops of moisture trickled down from the canopy above me, but I couldn't be certain if it was beginning to rain or if it was simply pools left over from yesterday, held high in the leaves above me, slowly dripping their way back to the earth. A recently fallen tree – I knew it was recent because it wasn't entirely carpeted in moss – rested against the trunk of one of her sisters, creating a sheltered little bench just a few safe feet off the trail. I stepped over the ferns and sat carefully, making sure my jacket was between the damp seat and my clothes wherever they touched, and leaned my hooded head back against the living tree. This was the wrong place to have come. I should have known, but where else was there to go? The forest was deep green and far too much like the scene in last night's dream to allow for peace of mind. Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing. The birds were quiet, too, the drops increasing in frequency, so it must be raining above. The ferns stood higher than my head, now that I was seated, and I knew someone could walk by on the path, three feet away, and not see me. Here in the trees it was much easier to believe the absurdities that embarrassed me indoors. Nothing had changed in this forest for thousands of years, and all the myths and legends of a hundred different lands seemed much more likely in this green haze than they had in my clear-cut bedroom. I forced myself to focus on the two most vital questions I had to answer, but I did so unwillingly. First, I had to decide if it was possible that what Jacob had said about the Cullens could be true. Immediately my mind responded with a resounding negative. It was silly and morbid to entertain such ridiculous notions. But what, then? I asked myself. There was no rational explanation for how I was alive at this moment. I listed again in my head the things I'd observed myself: the impossible speed and strength, the eye color shifting from black to gold and back again, the inhuman beauty, the pale, frigid skin. And more – small things that registered slowly – how they never seemed to eat, the disturbing grace with which they moved. And the way be sometimes spoke, with unfamiliar cadences and phrases that better fit the style of a turn-of-the-century novel than that of a twenty-first-century classroom. He had skipped class the day we'd done blood typing. He hadn't said no to the beach trip till he heard where we were going. He seemed to know what everyone around him was thinking†¦ except me. He had told me he was the villain, dangerous†¦ Could the Cullens be vampires? Well, they were something. Something outside the possibility of rational justification was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes. Whether it be Jacob's cold ones or my own superhero theory, Edward Cullen was not†¦ human. He was something more. So then – maybe. That would have to be my answer for now. And then the most important question of all. What was I going to do if it was true? If Edward was a vampire – I could hardly make myself think the words – then what should I do? Involving someone else was definitely out. I couldn't even believe myself; anyone I told would have me committed. Only two options seemed practical. The first was to take his advice: to be smart, to avoid him as much as possible. To cancel our plans, to go back to ignoring him as far as I was able. To pretend there was an impenetrably thick glass wall between us in the one class where we were forced together. To tell him to leave me alone – and mean it this time. I was gripped in a sudden agony of despair as I considered that alternative. My mind rejected the pain, quickly skipping on to the next option. I could do nothing different. After all, if he was something†¦ sinister, he'd done nothing to hurt me so far. In fact, I would be a dent in Tyler's fender if he hadn't acted so quickly. So quickly, I argued with myself, that it might have been sheer reflexes. But if it was a reflex to save lives, how bad could he be? I retorted. My head spun around in answerless circles. There was one thing I was sure of, if I was sure of anything. The dark Edward in my dream last night was a reflection only of my fear of the word Jacob had spoken, and not Edward himself. Even so, when I'd screamed out in terror at the werewolf's lunge, it wasn't fear for the wolf that brought the cry of â€Å"no† to my lips. It was fear that he would be harmed – even as he called to me with sharp-edged fangs, I feared for him. And I knew in that I had my answer. I didn't know if there ever was a choice, really. I was already in too deep. Now that I knew – if I knew – I could do nothing about my frightening secret. Because when I thought of him, of his voice, his hypnotic eyes, the magnetic force of his personality, I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now. Even if†¦ but I couldn't think it. Not here, alone in the darkening forest. Not while the rain made it dim as twilight under the canopy and pattered like footsteps across the matted earthen floor. I shivered and rose quickly from my place of concealment, worried that somehow the path would have disappeared with the rain. But it was there, safe and clear, winding its way out of the dripping green maze. I followed it hastily, my hood pulled close around my face, becoming surprised, as I nearly ran through the trees, at how far I had come. I started to wonder if I was heading out at all, or following the path farther into the confines of the forest. Before I could get too panicky, though, I began to glimpse some open spaces through the webbed branches. And then I could hear a car passing on the street, and I was free, Charlie's lawn stretched out in front of me, the house beckoning me, promising warmth and dry socks. It was just noon when I got back inside. I went upstairs and got dressed for the day, jeans and a t-shirt, since I was staying indoors. It didn't take too much effort to concentrate on my task for the day, a paper on Macbeth that was due Wednesday. I settled into outlining a rough draft contentedly, more serene than I'd felt since†¦ well, since Thursday afternoon, if I was being honest. That had always been my way, though. Making decisions was the painful part for me, the part I agonized over. But once the decision was made, I simply followed through – usually with relief that the choice was made. Sometimes the relief was tainted by despair, like my decision to come to Forks. But it was still better than wrestling with the alternatives. This decision was ridiculously easy to live with. Dangerously easy. And so the day was quiet, productive – I finished my paper before eight. Charlie came home with a large catch, and I made a mental note to pick up a book of recipes for fish while I was in Seattle next week. The chills that flashed up my spine whenever I thought of that trip were no different than the ones I'd felt before I'd taken my walk with Jacob Black. They should be different, I thought. I should be afraid – I knew I should be, but I couldn't feel the right kind of fear. I slept dreamlessly that night, exhausted from beginning my day so early, and sleeping so poorly the night before. I woke, for the second time since arriving in Forks, to the bright yellow light of a sunny day. I skipped to the window, stunned to see that there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and those there were just fleecy little white puffs that couldn't possibly be carrying any rain. I opened the window – surprised when it opened silently, without sticking, not having opened it in who knows how many years – and sucked in the relatively dry air. It was nearly warm and hardly windy at all. My blood was electric in my veins. Charlie was finishing breakfast when I came downstairs, and he picked up on my mood immediately. â€Å"Nice day out,† he commented. â€Å"Yes,† I agreed with a grin. He smiled back, his brown eyes crinkling around the edges. When Charlie smiled, it was easier to see why he and my mother had jumped too quickly into an early marriage. Most of the young romantic he'd been in those days had faded before I'd known him, as the curly brown hair – the same color, if not the same texture, as mine – had dwindled, slowly revealing more and more of the shiny skin of his forehead. But when he smiled I could see a little of the man who had run away with Ren? ¦e when she was just two years older than I was now. I ate breakfast cheerily, watching the dust moats stirring in the sunlight that streamed in the back window. Charlie called out a goodbye, and I heard the cruiser pull away from the house. I hesitated on my way out the door, hand on my rain jacket. It would be tempting fate to leave it home. With a sigh, I folded it over my arm and stepped out into the brightest light I'd seen in months. By dint of much elbow grease, I was able to get both windows in the truck almost completely rolled down. I was one of the first ones to school; I hadn't even checked the clock in my hurry to get outside. I parked and headed toward the seldom-used picnic benches on the south side of the cafeteria. The benches were still a little damp, so I sat on my jacket, glad to have a use for it. My homework was done – the product of a slow social life – but there were a few Trig problems I wasn't sure I had right. I took out my book industriously, but halfway through rechecking the first problem I was daydreaming, watching the sunlight play on the red-barked trees. I sketched inattentively along the margins of my homework. After a few minutes, I suddenly realized I'd drawn five pairs of dark eyes staring out of the page at me. I scrubbed them out with the eraser. â€Å"Bella!† I heard someone call, and it sounded like Mike. I looked around to realize that the school had become populated while I'd been sitting there, absentminded. Everyone was in t-shirts, some even in shorts though the temperature couldn't be over sixty. Mike was coming toward me in khaki shorts and a striped Rugby shirt, waving. â€Å"Hey, Mike,† I called, waving back, unable to be halfhearted on a morning like this. He came to sit by me, the tidy spikes of his hair shining golden in the light, his grin stretching across his face. He was so delighted to see me, I couldn't help but feel gratified. â€Å"I never noticed before – your hair has red in it,† he commented, catching between his fingers a strand that was fluttering in the light breeze. â€Å"Only in the sun.† I became just a little uncomfortable as he tucked the lock behind my ear. â€Å"Great day, isn't it?† â€Å"My kind of day,† I agreed. â€Å"What did you do yesterday?† His tone was just a bit too proprietary. â€Å"I mostly worked on my essay.† I didn't add that I was finished with it – no need to sound smug. He hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. â€Å"Oh yeah – that's due Thursday, right?† â€Å"Um, Wednesday, I think.† â€Å"Wednesday?† He frowned. â€Å"That's not good†¦ What are you writing yours on?† â€Å"Whether Shakespeare's treatment of the female characters is misogynistic.† He stared at me like I'd just spoken in pig Latin. â€Å"I guess I'll have to get to work on that tonight,† he said, deflated. â€Å"I was going to ask if you wanted to go out.† â€Å"Oh.† I was taken off guard. Why couldn't I ever have a pleasant conversation with Mike anymore without it getting awkward? â€Å"Well, we could go to dinner or something†¦ and I could work on it later.† He smiled at me hopefully. â€Å"Mike†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I hated being put on the spot. â€Å"I don't think that would be the best idea.† His face fell. â€Å"Why?† he asked, his eyes guarded. My thoughts flickered to Edward, wondering if that's where his thoughts were as well. â€Å"I think†¦ and if you ever repeat what I'm saying right now I will cheerfully beat you to death,† I threatened, â€Å"but I think that would hurt Jessica's feelings.† He was bewildered, obviously not thinking in that direction at all. â€Å"Jessica?† â€Å"Really, Mike, are you blind?† â€Å"Oh,† he exhaled – clearly dazed. I took advantage of that to make my escape. â€Å"It's time for class, and I can't be late again.† I gathered my books up and stuffed them in my bag. We walked in silence to building three, and his expression was distracted. I hoped whatever thoughts he was immersed in were leading him in the right direction. When I saw Jessica in Trig, she was bubbling with enthusiasm. She, Angela, and Lauren were going to Port Angeles tonight to go dress shopping for the dance, and she wanted me to come, too, even though I didn't need one. I was indecisive. It would be nice to get out of town with some girlfriends, but Lauren would be there. And who knew what I could be doing tonight†¦ But that was definitely the wrong path to let my mind wander down. Of course I was happy about the sunlight. But that wasn't completely responsible for the euphoric mood I was in, not even close. So I gave her a maybe, telling her I'd have to talk with Charlie first. She talked of nothing but the dance on the way to Spanish, continuing as if without an interruption when class finally ended, five minutes late, and we were on our way to lunch. I was far too lost in my own frenzy of anticipation to notice much of what she said. I was painfully eager to see not just him but all the Cullens – to compare them with the new suspicions that plagued my mind. As I crossed the threshold of the cafeteria, I felt the first true tingle of fear slither down my spine and settle in my stomach. Would they be able to know what I was thinking? And then a different feeling jolted through me – would Edward be waiting to sit with me again? As was my routine, I glanced first toward the Cullens' table. A shiver of panic trembled in my stomach as I realized it was empty. With dwindling hope, my eyes scoured the rest of the cafeteria, hoping to find him alone, waiting for me. The place was nearly filled – Spanish had made us late – but there was no sign of Edward or any of his family. Desolation hit me with crippling strength. I shambled along behind Jessica, not bothering to pretend to listen anymore. We were late enough that everyone was already at our table. I avoided the empty chair next to Mike in favor of one by Angela. I vaguely noticed that Mike held the chair out politely for Jessica, and that her face lit up in response. Angela asked a few quiet questions about the Macbeth paper, which I answered as naturally as I could while spiraling downward in misery. She, too, invited me to go with them tonight, and I agreed now, grasping at anything to distract myself. I realized I'd been holding on to a last shred of hope when I entered Biology, saw his empty seat, and felt a new wave of disappointment. The rest of the day passed slowly, dismally. In Gym, we had a lecture on the rules of badminton, the next torture they had lined up for me. But at least it meant I got to sit and listen instead of stumbling around on the court. The best part was the coach didn't finish, so I got another day off tomorrow. Never mind that the day after they would arm me with a racket before unleashing me on the rest of the class. I was glad to leave campus, so I would be free to pout and mope before I went out tonight with Jessica and company. But right after I walked in the door of Charlie's house, Jessica called to cancel our plans. I tried to be happy that Mike had asked her out to dinner – I really was relieved that he finally seemed to be catching on – but my enthusiasm sounded false in my own ears. She rescheduled our shopping trip for tomorrow night. Which left me with little in the way of distractions. I had fish marinating for dinner, with a salad and bread left over from the night before, so there was nothing to do there. I spent a focused half hour on homework, but then I was through with that, too. I checked my e-mail, reading the backlog of letters from my mother, getting snippier as they progressed to the present. I sighed and typed a quick response. Mom, Sorry. I've been out. I went to the beach with some friends. And I had to write a paper. My excuses were fairly pathetic, so I gave up on that. It's sunny outside today – I know, I'm shocked, too – so I'm going to go outside and soak up as much vitamin D as I can. I love you, Bella. I decided to kill an hour with non-school-related reading. I had a small collection of books that came with me to Forks, the shabbiest volume being a compilation of the works of Jane Austen. I selected that one and headed to the backyard, grabbing a ragged old quilt from the linen cupboard at the top of the stairs on my way down. Outside in Charlie's small, square yard, I folded the quilt in half and laid it out of the reach of the trees' shadows on the thick lawn that would always be slightly wet, no matter how long the sun shone. I lay on my stomach, crossing my ankles in the air, flipping through the different novels in the book, trying to decide which would occupy my mind the most thoroughly. My favorites were Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. I'd read the first most recently, so I started into Sense and Sensibility, only to remember after I began three that the hero of the story happened to be named Edward. Angrily, I turned to Mansfield Park, but the hero of that piece was named Edmund, and that was just too close. Weren't there any other names available in the late eighteenth century? I snapped the book shut, annoyed, and rolled over onto my back. I pushed my sleeves up as high as they would go, and closed my eyes. I would think of nothing but the warmth on my skin, I told myself severely. The breeze was still light, but it blew tendrils of my hair around my face, and that tickled a bit. I pulled all my hair over my head, letting it fan out on the quilt above me, and focused again on the heat that touched my eyelids, my cheekbones, my nose, my lips, my forearms, my neck, soaked through my light shirt†¦ The next thing I was conscious of was the sound of Charlie's cruiser turning onto the bricks of the driveway. I sat up in surprise, realizing the light was gone, behind the trees, and I had fallen asleep. I looked around, muddled, with the sudden feeling that I wasn't alone. â€Å"Charlie?† I asked. But I could hear his door slamming in front of the house. I jumped up, foolishly edgy, gathering the now-damp quilt and my book. I ran inside to get some oil heating on the stove, realizing that dinner would be late. Charlie was hanging up his gun belt and stepping out of his boots when I came in. â€Å"Sorry, Dad, dinner's not ready yet – I fell asleep outside.† I stifled a yawn. â€Å"Don't worry about it,† he said. â€Å"I wanted to catch the score on the game, anyway.† I watched TV with Charlie after dinner, for something to do. There wasn't anything on I wanted to watch, but he knew I didn't like baseball, so he turned it to some mindless sitcom that neither of us enjoyed. He seemed happy, though, to be doing something together. And it felt good, despite my depression, to make him happy. â€Å"Dad,† I said during a commercial, â€Å"Jessica and Angela are going to look at dresses for the dance tomorrow night in Port Angeles, and they wanted me to help them choose†¦ do you mind if I go with them?† â€Å"Jessica Stanley?† he asked. â€Å"And Angela Weber.† I sighed as I gave him the details. He was confused. â€Å"But you're not going to the dance, right?† â€Å"No, Dad, but I'm helping them find dresses – you know, giving them constructive criticism.† I wouldn't have to explain this to a woman. â€Å"Well, okay.† He seemed to realize that he was out of his depth with the girlie stuff. â€Å"It's a school night, though.† â€Å"We'll leave right after school, so we can get back early. You'll be okay for dinner, right?† â€Å"Bells, I fed myself for seventeen years before you got here,† he reminded me. â€Å"I don't know how you survived,† I muttered, then added more clearly, â€Å"I'll leave some things for cold-cut sandwiches in the fridge, okay? Right on top.† It was sunny again in the morning. I awakened with renewed hope that I grimly tried to suppress. I dressed for the warmer weather in a deep blue V-neck blouse – something I'd worn in the dead of winter in Phoenix. I had planned my arrival at school so that I barely had time to make it to class. With a sinking heart, I circled the full lot looking for a space, while also searching for the silver Volvo that was clearly not there. I parked in the last row and hurried to English, arriving breathless, but subdued, before the final bell. It was the same as yesterday – I just couldn't keep little sprouts of hope from budding in my mind, only to have them squashed painfully as I searched the lunchroom in vain and sat at my empty Biology table. The Port Angeles scheme was back on again for tonight and made all the more attractive by the fact that Lauren had other obligations. I was anxious to get out of town so I could stop glancing over my shoulder, hoping to see him appearing out of the blue the way he always did. I vowed to myself that I would be in a good mood tonight and not ruin Angela's or Jessica's enjoyment in the dress hunting. Maybe I could do a little clothes shopping as well. I refused to think that I might be shopping alone in Seattle this weekend, no longer interested in the earlier arrangement. Surely he wouldn't cancel without at least telling me. After school, Jessica followed me home in her old white Mercury so that I could ditch my books and truck. I brushed through my hair quickly when I was inside, feeling a slight lift of excitement as I contemplated getting out of Forks. I left a note for Charlie on the table, explaining again where to find dinner, switched my scruffy wallet from my school bag to a purse I rarely used, and ran out to join Jessica. We went to Angela's house next, and she was waiting for us. My excitement increased exponentially as we actually drove out of the town limits.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Constructivist Learning and VLEs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Constructivist Learning and VLEs - Essay Example As the essay stresses learning theories are the basis of instructional-design theories. Reigeluth comments that the relationship between a learning theory and an instructional theory could be equated to that of a house and its foundation. Problem-based learning (PBL), is a constructivist learning model, which is fundamentally an instructional-design theory. Reigeluth observes that a theory is considered to be an instructional theory if it â€Å"offers explicit guidance on how to better help people learn and develop.† From the report it is clear that constructivist theories are based on the assumption that students must construct their own ideas through the guidance of a teacher. Here the teacher is a mere guide and the student shoulders the responsibility of unravelling knowledge for themselves. In constructivist model of education, there is no memorising of theory and data. Students have to reach upon their conclusions and have to develop knowledge by themselves. As Miller suggests, if the learner is to acquire specific knowledge, then the instruction must employ the correct instructional strategy for promoting the acquisition of that kind of knowledge. Cognitive Constructivism propounded by Piaget believes in the supremacy of mind in learning process and considers the organization of information around concepts, problems, and the interrelationships of associated subjects and ideas.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The head as medium and metaphor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The head as medium and metaphor - Essay Example A Cultural Inquiry It is with this premise—that art object contains cultural significance that interests to art pieces become an anthropological and historical inquiry in a sense. Such in a way that questions does not only revolves regarding information about specific art object—‘Where did it came from?’, ‘How was it made?’, ‘What material?’, ‘Who made it?’ but broader inquiry about the relation of the art object to the aspect of human life or the culture that it represents or belongs to—i.e. ‘What is its historical significance?’, ‘Is it a religious or sacred object for worship?’, ‘What symbolisms are attached to it?’ these questions means studying art in its cultural context (Hatcher 1999). For this paper, I would try to study the use of head as medium and metaphor in practice of art through its cultural context drawing upon example from two ethnic groups from Africa, the Ife and Yoruba. First, I would put into perspective the context of using the head as a symbol through historical account on the development of head as a symbol and how it transcends to art. Then I would specifically relate these cultural and historical symbolisms on the cultural interpretation of Ife and Yoruba as represented in the use of head in their art. Head as Symbol A severed head had been for most part of human history, the most typical religious symbol, decapitation have likewise been a ubiquitous theme on literature that have been prevalent in various genre. From the Middle Stone Age, to early medieval times, archeological findings have suggested that man have been for the longest time have strong fascination with severed head or have long found strong symbolism with a decapitated head. For a warrior, claiming a severed head of the enemy meant valor in battle, prestige, and a sign of power. As such, various art with motifs that have severed head on them; in Celtic sculptu re for instance the Pfalzfeld pillar â€Å"is adorned with carved heads on each side, and must have been crowned by another head, which has now disappeared† (Koch 2006). In medieval art, head is often times used to symbolize two things, one is the mind, and the other is the spiritual life. This is why decorative art during this period consists of heads of saints. In stark contrast, Plato assumed that the human head is representative of the world, as he writes in his Timaeus. To back up Plato’s assertion, Leblant postulates that the skull—the crown of the human body signifies the heaven as depicted by its spherical shape. Clearly, both Plato and Leblant see the head and its sphere-shape as symbolic of oneness (Cirlot 2002). The same concept of oneness is present in Egyptian hieroglyphics wherein the eagle’s head had been constantly used as an emblem and solar symbol to represent emanation of the cosmic flame and the universe’s spiritual fire. A repr esentation of two or more heads means a more intense head-symbolism. Thus, the Gemini—represented by two heads signifies the duality of nature; Hectate on the other hand has three heads representing the heaven, earth, and hell. Here we see that an invisible, eternal, and deeper meaning is attached to the symbolism of the head that it boarders to religion. It goes beyond simply looking at the appearances and goes deep into

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Larry King - a King of the American TV and Radio Broadcasting Research Paper

Larry King - a King of the American TV and Radio Broadcasting - Research Paper Example Larry King’s first show with CNN was initiated in June 1985. He hosted a number of controversial personalities on his shows which essentially made the Larry King Live a unique show in its own right. As far as his conducting of the show was concerned, he had a very direct and non-confrontational approach. He allowed the guests to speak their mind and thus allow them to get their message to their intended audience without any hindrances whatsoever. The guests felt special being on his show, which is indeed a positive if seen within the related settings of the Larry King Live show. He asked easy, open-ended questions which made him an instant hit with his guests. Also, the audience enjoyed the cozy dialogue between Larry King himself and the guests present on the show (Farha 2001). As far as his interview style is concerned, frankness is one word that comes to mind. He was vivid and very clear on his topic, and thus the reason why he was always prepared on his show. He had the exact idea as to how to prepare himself for the show and what kind of subject he was studying before sitting in front of the guest. There were occasional bursts of humor embedded in his conversation with the guests. His approach was very welcoming for those guests who usually avoided any interviews. Even though he was known for his lack of pre-preparation of the interview, he had solid knowledge at hand. Much appreciation goes on his shoulders because people appreciate him for what he did and what kind of atmosphere he created in the studios. A number of guests felt emotional within his show and started to weep. There seems to be an emotional bonding of Larry King with his guests and thus the reason why his guests understood that Larry King is one man who can be considerate enough and can understand what they are saying. CNN’s online biography suggests that Larry King conducted nearly 40,000 interviews during his career.  

The Impact of Roman Catholic Church on Capitalism Essay

The Impact of Roman Catholic Church on Capitalism - Essay Example The church helped the society to counter the vices by making moral values prevalent in their course of life. This indicates that the democratic society that has no accountability to god will finally degenerates. Thus Roman Catholic Church helped in the growth of capitalism and democracy by inculcating moral values in the Christian societies. The church and capitalism did not support the common property administered by state that is against the democracy. According to church and capitalism the socialism is against the natural justice and threatens the family life. Pius XI explained the above mentioned ideas in Quadragesimo Anno published in 1931. The personal responsibility, institutional changes are considered by Roman Catholic Church and capitalism against the socialism. Church helped in developing the institutions that constituted the society. This made the people to understand the reality in the capitalism according to catholic ideas. The Church supported the creative subjectivity of the human person in supporting the capitalism. This can be seen from two perspectives; philosophically and theologically. 1 The impact of Church on capitalism is due to its support to the free market economy that supports capitalism. In Centesimus Annus #32 John Paul wrote that the decisive factor has changed from land to man and knowledge. According to him this came from understanding the needs of others and ability to satisfy them. As a result the freedom will be a means of harmony between personal and societal interests. Capitalism enabled the greatest opportunity to engage creatively in economic sphere. This creativity in the capitalism is due to the church and it is the one of the ways the Church affected the capitalism. The diligence, industriousness, prudence, reliability and fidelity are the values that had shown impact on capitalism by Roman Catholic Church. The catholic ethic supports the capitalism as the human imperative that is creative and endeavor of the society to encourage the public virtue. The Roman Catholic Church as a supporter of free enterprise rejected the government's too much intervention. This is the 2nd aspect that has shown impact on capitalism from the side of Church. Catholicism contained the afore mentioned opposition for government intervention when it is extreme. Thus Catholicism rejected too much personalism in the economy. This thought has begun with Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum in 1891. The catholic society supported capitalism in the form of having right to private property with the presence of trade unions and wages. This resulted in distributist economic system. The Roman Catholic Church defended this economic system. This resulted in widespread owner ship of land. As small scale craft production obeys natural law and catholic tradition, there is some sort of opposition from the church for large scale craft production. As the economy has grown though effected by Catholicism, the large scale production

Friday, July 26, 2019

Childrens nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Childrens nursing - Essay Example Telephone: 91-080-26995200, 26995255 Email : ms@nimhans.kar.nic.in Website : www.nimhans.kar.nic.in Part B and Case Study: Childrens NursingChildren's Nursing refers to nurturing children from the stage of infancy, till the stage of adolescence. Along with case study, this topic discusses emotional problems faced by children and role of parents, family, nurses, schools, society and government in nurturing and helping them to become good citizens. The captioned subject ' Children's Nursing ' throws light on the poor emotional state of mind of children - a product of present day nuclear family system, wherein the working couple has no time to give personal attention to the child's needs and usually entrusts the same to a care taker. In the event of separation / divorce, the child has to adjust to the new circumstances without much choice. In all these situations, the child is the worst affected person whose emotional needs are least cared for by parents and the surrounding people. As a result, it becomes a victim of depression, insecurity, hatred, addiction and no wonder; it becomes a 'threat' to the society in the long run. The significant issues involved in the subject are : 1. Children's poor mental health and the resultant insecurity , hatred ,emotional disorders, and suicidal tendencies 2. Role of Parents , Family, Nurses , School and Government 's role in developing child's mental health 1. Children's poor mental health : A child's poor mental health can be recognized by symptoms like excessive anger, fear, sadness , depression and anxiety. Sudden changes in the child's behavior, exercising too much , hurting (Charlotte's act of...In the event of separation / divorce, the child has to adjust to the new circumstances without much choice. In all these situations, the child is the worst affected person whose emotional needs are least cared for by parents and the surrounding people. As a result, it becomes a victim of depression, insecurity, hatred, addiction and no wonder; it becomes a 'threat' to the society in the long run. 1. Children's poor mental health : A child's poor mental health can be recognized by symptoms like excessive anger, fear, sadness , depression and anxiety. Sudden changes in the child's behavior, exercising too much , hurting (Charlotte's act of hurting herself), destroying things. Some of the mental disorders commonly seen in children are depression, ADHD, and conduct disorder. As many as one in ten children between ages six and twelve experience persistent feelings of sadness - the hallmark of depression. Since children may not be able to express or understand many of the core symptoms that would indicate depression in adults, parents should be aware of some key behaviors-in addition to changes in eating or sleeping patterns-that may signal depression in children: Treatment is essential for children struggling with depression so that they can be free to develop necessary academic and social skills.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Synoptic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Business Synoptic - Essay Example It also helps define the optimal use of the resources in the changing business environment to meet the set objectives. A strategy defines the roles and responsibilities of the organization. According to the Harvard Policy Mode, strategy is a pattern of purposes and policies defining the company and its business (Carter, 1999). The strategy implementation involves several steps as follows: Source: Schraeder (2002). Globalization is a concept that speaks of one world with similar tastes and preferences. However, Nestle does not believe in globalization of consumer behavior and tastes. They follow the philosophy that consumers are individuals. They do not follow a set pattern and hence cannot be classified as global consumers. Thus, in clarification of their objectives, they evaluated the globalization trend and concluded that they wanted to have a customization approach rather than a globalization approach. However, the globalization principle did help in focusing on the emerging marke ts as they conducted an external and internal analysis. They could identify the gap in the services in the emerging markets and found tremendous potential. They could foresee the removal of trade barriers and the rising consumerism in these economies. This is the reason they adopted the early-mover principle in these markets. They could also analyse and find that they could achieve competitive advantage by fulfilling consumer needs in these markets. Link between the two concepts Strategy implementation involves several steps. Strategy implementation required them to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of globalization. It also brought to light that removal of trade barriers had opened up the opportunities in the emerging markets. They thus first developed their corporate level strategy to approach the emerging markets. Strategy is drawn up at three levels – the corporate, business and the functional levels. This helps them decide on the choice of products, the choice of mar kets and the choice of competitors. To fulfill individual consumer needs or the local needs requires a strategy that differs from the globalization approach. They hence standardize wherever possible but adapted wherever necessary. This provided them with the competitive advantage and gain foothold in the emerging economies. To achieve success, they had to change their strategy of having global managers. Just as there can be no global consumers as per Nestle philosophy, they also believed that the workers should maintain their own cultures but follow the Nestle principles. Maintaining their own cultures enables them to understand the market needs better and make adaptation as necessary. Thus, as a part of their functional strategy, they provided complete autonomy to the local managers to function but in alignment with their overall philosophy, they maintained control having their own expatriate managers to oversee the operations in these nations. After careful evaluation they adopted the transnational approach to internationalization as it allows them control over the operations. They could understand that consumers are not global in their tastes and behavior and that local culture is important. The two concepts are interlined because strategy cannot be developed in isolation. Since the trend was towards globalization, Nestle evaluated the strategic options and concluded that it could gain competitive advan

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bertos manufacturing corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bertos manufacturing corporation - Essay Example The current financial market situation in Brazil is comfortable. This is because of the high Basel Index, which ensures adequate capital base for absorbing losses for risks (Madula 103). Australia is suitable for immediate establishment of BFSI subsidiary. This is because the retail financial market is not fully exploited in Australia. The Australian market will open up other polar market for financial service offered by the BFSI. The Financial system of Australia has three major operation pattern; borrowing funds, lending funds, and transferring financial claims (Twitchett 43). Switzerland is also an appropriate subsidiary location for BFSI. This is because it has high Gross Domestic product per capita (Twitchett 29). Also the value of the Swiss Franc has in the recent financial history been very stable. The financial sector is also very vibrant because it represented 11.6% of the GDP. The financial sector of Russia is also very vibrant. Therefore, the BFSI should immediately set up a subsidiary in the country. Financial retail services are so many in the country; this can be illustrated by the high numbers of international payments schemes (Cecil et al). At the end of 2013, number of credit cards issued by the financial institutions exceeded 128 million. China is currently experiencing reforms in the financial sector. These reforms include the introduction of insurance services and leasing services. The operational boundaries are currently being removed, to enhance customer competition in the financial services sector (Buckley & Casson 34). The financial reforms create room for private and multinational financial firms to be established. The financial system of Brazil is based on a modern and stable banking system. The financial market embraces the current technology based payment systems; the market infrastructure is also very reliable and can be predicted. The 2008 international crisis had minimal effect in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analyzing an Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyzing an Argument - Essay Example Kowinski’s main argument is that leaving your children at the mall is not all that bad. It does provide a type of structure that in its own way replaces life at home and is needed by teenagers. In fact many teens prefer the mall over their own home life. It is a common denominator for the majority of teenagers all over the country (Kowinski, pg). Despite this preference the mall does provide many experiences that are important in a teenager’s life. The article does not insist that Kowinski’s opinion is the be all and end all on the situation. He calmly states examples and explanations for teenager’s behavior. He presents many perspectives on the topic of teenagers and malls and ultimately lets the reader make their own decision. It is interesting to note that despite the fact most teenagers like to hang out at the mall, malls were not originally designed for this purpose. A study was done by the International Council of shopping centers that stated even though teenagers act out in malls, they ultimately do not act out as badly as students who don’t frequent malls (Kowinski, pg). There are consequences to behavior at the mall as there is a level of supervision in the form of management and security. Ultimately malls want teenagers because they learn to value what shopping centers want, consumers. People who find value in owning the coolest and newest gadgets or styles. Malls are training teenagers to be sho ppers. This lesson on consumption can be considered as both positive and negative. Kowinski refers to a psychologist, Dr. David Elkand, a writer, Karen Lansky, CBS report, and Laurence Steinberg of the University of California at Irving on their opinions of teenagers growing up in malls. These sources may not be leaders in the field of sociology or consumer studies but they have a good deal of knowledge on the subject and raise some interesting points. Karen Lansky agrees that malls do substitute and provide some

Monday, July 22, 2019

Switching From a Trimester Academic Calendar To a Semester Academic Calendar Essay Example for Free

Switching From a Trimester Academic Calendar To a Semester Academic Calendar Essay Part 1: Introduction Background of the Study   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The trimester program has normally been implemented to help students learn in a much faster way in consideration with the time and the finances that would be involved within the studying periods that the learning process in trimester universities offer. For several years now, the industrialized and top progressed countries around the world have effectively adapted to this particular way of learning. In fact, many among the students within the said countries are able to apply their learned skills abruptly after attending school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, there are also some risks that the education regulators face in implementing this particular time-controlling procedure of learning among students. Of course, as said earlier, in terms of time and finances, trimester certainly gains advantage, however, the questions are, are the students learning the important points of the courses that they enroll into in such a short span of time? Are the teachers able to impart to their students the most important part of the lessons that they teach? Could it be that the students need more time to learn their professions for application later on? What are the results of the said learning system in the working industry and how does it affect the performance of the national economy? These questions primarily raised the possibilities of some universities’ aiming to switch their academic calendar to semester programs. Statement of the Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Considering the facts mentioned above, it should then be clear that there are necessary elements that contribute to student learning procedures that need attention in pursuing the switching of academic calendars from trimester to semester program offerings of certain universities. The balancing of the views with regards the effectiveness of educational planning and presentation to the students is indeed one of the most serious issues faced by the different departments devoted to educational advancements. The question then is that â€Å"What academic schedule is really much more practical between the trimestral and the semestral programs offered within universities? Giving importance to this particular issue is a necessary for the advancement of the implication of education among the different institutions around the country. Methodologies To be able to come up with a considerably amiable plan in dealing with the situation raised herein, it is necessary to consider some certain discussions that would be presented within the paragraphs that follow. This would be done through research and interview among the major educational administrations that are most likely concerned with the issue being dealt with by the author of this study.    Part 2: Data Collection and Discussion The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Trimester program   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The trimester program, as mentioned earlier has primarily been designed in assisting students who are preempted to be fast learners to attain a degree in college in a much faster procedure, reducing the time and the finances that they are to use to be able to finish their studies.   To expand this particular part of the discussion, the finances shall be broken down to categories that would actually show the large amount of money saved by students and their parent under a trimester program: Boarding and Miscellaneous Expenses Since each trimester is reduced to three months, the expenses that the students would be paying for their dormitories or boarding houses would be reduced as well. Aside from this, the miscellaneous fees and expenses that the students spend while staying within the university would also be reduced in large amount. Tuition Fee Payments Since through the trimester program, the years spent with the school days are reduced the payment for the tuition fees are then paid fast thus reducing the worries of the parents for paying   long term tuition fee rates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     When it comes to studying as it is, this type of academic calendar hosts mostly academic activities and lesser extra curricular activities to help the students focus on their subjects. Most likely, students of this type of program are expected to love the pressure that they are facing in school. The consuming of time at the best possible way is what is implemented in the universities that adapt to this type of educational process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, teachers who are under this particular system also feel the pressure of stretching the time that has been given to them to discuss their lessons with their students. Most likely, what the teachers do is to give handouts to their students, stack them up with homework and do minimal discussions in class.   Preempting that their students would do well in studying by themselves and bringing out the main idea of the lessons in the classrooms, the educators settle for simple classroom recitations to base their evaluations of the student’s capabilities of learning as well as the effectiveness of their teaching procedures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most likely, the teachers are forced to concise their lessons into the most basic interpretations that they could make to help their students understand. In this case, they are not able to flavor up the discussion to help the students not only understand but better apply the lessons that they learn from school. By this fact, it could be noted that the teachers are limited in pursuing their passion for teaching as they are held tight by schedule of compliance to the deadlines that they are accustomed to meet. The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Semester Program   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Semester programs are divided in four months per academic calendar. The four months are usually aided with several extra curricular activities that are aimed to help the students loosen up form the pressures that they receive from completing their projects in school. The extra curricular activities are also aimed in finding other potentials of the students in performing their best possible abilities for the sake of the goodness of their personality development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The educators in this type of learning are actually involved in a more controllable time in their own discretion. They have more time to spend with their students in helping them cope up with the subjects especially if they are having a hard time understanding the lessons on their own. It is through this procedure of learning and teaching that the educators are able to give ample time to individual students in treating their difficulties in certain subjects. This is most especially effective in dealing with students who have a different language that the actual language being used as a medium of communication in the university.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As for example, the American society holds at least 48% of its university population devoted to assisting minorities in their learning. Primarily, the students that they deal with have different languages of origin. Hence, learning using the English language as a medium may not be that easy for them to face as a challenge to their abilities of comprehending to the lessons presented to them. This does not mean that they are less intelligent than that of the English natives. However, because of the fact that they have lesser training in using the English language, they are less able to understand the gist of the lessons that are presented to them in the universities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this setting, the educators are able to give assistance to their students at the best possible way they could as they try different alternatives to help minorities understand their lessons better. The extra time that they could use to assist students certainly allows the teachers the chance to bring the best out of their learners.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although when it comes to learning procedures, the semester program of learning is amiably considerably advantageous for the learning progress of the students, the said system of academic character adaptation is much disadvantageous when it comes to the financing of the expenses that are presumably to become a must in the lives of the students while they are staying in school. The tuition fee payments are also at some point easier to deal with in terms of the length of time allotted for them to prepare for the amount needed to be paid.   What the Switching of Academic Calendar Could Do   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Knowing the advantages and the disadvantages of both academic calendar adaptations, it could be observed that both of them have their own leverage against the other. When it comes to the trimestral program the time and finances are given higher concern while the semestral programs on the other hand give much focus on the learning progress of the students. If the aim of education is to be considered closely, it could be seen that the main mission of educating students is to help them understand the lessons in the best way that they could in order for them to have a better application of the ideas in the actual practice in their employments later on. In this regard, the semestral program implication appears to be much practical. Hence, the pursuance of switching of the trimester program to the semester program is given closer concern and focus by some educational administrators. In terms of Budget and Financial Issues From a trimestral setting, the parents and the students themselves would have a better control of their budget since the length of time given for them to complete the payment responsibilities that they have to the universities. Although in terms of boarding expenses the payment may not be that low, the adjustment of the activities that the students engage with may do the trick of reducing and balancing both time and budget that are allotted for the time of learning that they are supposed to complete. Teacher or Educator Adjustments   Trimestral teachers are to be given a lengthened chance of reevaluating their teaching lesson plans thus be able to recreate their system in assisting the students individually in their studies. They could then a lot more time in discussing their lessons in class rather than just sending the works to their students for home completion. Recitation activities are still applicable however; the time could be extended as length of days that certain activities and lessons are to be hosted by the educators to help their students comprehend with the gist ideas of the lessons. Student Learning Capabilities and Pressures The time that is given for students to have ample chance of learning their lessons could actually be turned into a more productive time that would assist the students develop several other skills that they could apply in their jobs later on. Most likely, this situation helps them asses themselves as to how much pressure they are able to tolerate and still perform at their best. For those students who belong with the minority of the population could then be assisted in understanding their lessons better through continuous practice of the usage of the language. The lack of too much pressure in accepting all the necessary lessons could be noted as a way by which the students are given leeway in practicing the knowledge that they are able to gain form the universities. Part 3: Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From this discussion, it could be noted that trimester and semester programs are able to get the best out the students in several ways of consideration. Trimestral program adaptation could be applied in universities that are giving educational assistance to the above average intellect students. This is primary because of the fact that the pressures of learning in this particular procedure of academic calendar setting could cause the minorities a hardship in comprehending with the major points of the lessons that they are supposed to be learning from their educators. In applying the semester program, the educators are able to give attention to each individual student’s progress in learning their lessons. The time that they could spend in the learning processes would indeed allow them to find the best ways by which they could apply their lessons in actual procedures of practice in the future. References: Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board. (2000). WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC CALENDAR Semesters vs. Quarters. http://www.hecb.wa.gov/Docs/reports/WSUcalendar12-2000.pdf. (July 12, 2007) U.S. Office of Education Circular No. 248, November 15, 1948. DH News Service, Bangalore. (2007). No word yet on timing, semester system. CITY SCHOOLS REOPEN, TEACHERS IN DARK OVER GOVT PROPOSALS. http://www.deccanherald.com/Content/May292007/national200705294376.asp?section=frontpagenews. (July 12, 2007) Gall. Chapter 2. Developing A Research Proposal. Stringer. Chapter 3. Initiating a Study Research Design.

Income inequality Essay Example for Free

Income inequality Essay It is the report which is talking about income inequality. It is global income inequality is increasing. Besides that that’s is more information about measurement for the income inequality The relationship between the income inequality and economic growth Technological change and globalisation partly on income inequality, Way to reduce the income inequality, Causes of income inequality, and High income inequality gap-Latin America. Mostly it is all about the income inequality in this assignment is telling about the income inequality. Income inequality Income inequality is about the measurement of people’s household or individual based on their income across the various participants in an economy. It is also known as the gap between the rich and poor, wealth and poverty, the different of income between populations or individual (Ram, R. (1988)). Measurement To measure the income inequality have to use the Gini coefficient which developed by Italian statistician in 1912. The Gini coefficient is measuring the income inequality based on the value of a frequency distribution (for example levels of income). The value of the Gini coefficient is between the range 0 to 1. Therefore, 0 that means â€Å"perfect equality ’’ which every person is getting the same income and 1 that means â€Å"perfect inequality’’ which is all income change to the share of the population with the highest income. The Gini coefficient is also to be used for to measure wealth inequality. This use of Gini coefficient requires that no one has a negative net wealth. Besides that, the Gini index often used which is the Gini coefficient expressed as a percentage, but it is equal to the Gini coefficient multiplied by 100. (Most of the time people are using the Gini index for calculating the income inequality. ) Graph1(source:http://people. stfx. ca) The graph above shows that the Gini coefficient is equal to the area which is shaded to the yellow colour. The relationship between the income inequality and economic growth Graph 2(source : author’s calculation) The graph above is showing the relationship between the income inequality and economic growth. Besides that, the graph above is showing the improvement in the Gini of 0. 01 costs 1. 6 per cent per year in per capita economic growth which mean economic growth improves may affect the income inequality. The relationships between the income inequality and economic growth have a very strong gap sometimes. That means change of economic growth would affect the income inequality. Therefore, the economic growth will reduce the income inequality when the salary of the lowest paid rise faster than the average wage. Besides that, the economic growth can increase the job opportunity for people to reduce the level of unemployment in the social. Economic growth often creates the job opportunity for those people who are high skilled and educated. After job opportunity increased can make the level of poverty decreased and reduce the income inequality. Enhancing the growth of economic may raise the income inequality such as increasing the flexibility of wage determination. The growth of economic is showing the extension for flexibility of wage determination. To increase the wage of employee may reduce the income inequality but it also made the labour cost increased for the employer. Increasing the wage agreement to firms may make some employers have to pay the highly salary of employee. This action may increase the unemployment and affected productivity of the company decreasing because labour cost too high makes the employer hard to endure (Murtin et al. , 2012). graph 3 The graph above is showing the global income inequality is increasing from the year 1820 to the year 2008. The Gini coefficient is increasing that mean income inequality is increasing at the same time. But, sometime the economic growth may not reduce the income inequality. It is because the Economic Growth will not necessarily solve unemployment. For example, growth cannot solve structural and frictional unemployment it is because unemployment (structural and frictional) which caused by lack of skills and geographical immobility. Technological change and globalisation partly on income inequality The current technology with globalisation might rise in the market equipment and create the boosting top incomes. (Rosen, 1981; Gordon and Dew-Becker, 2008). These days, the the change of technology is affecting too fast, however it can also influence the income inequality. It is due to inclined the job opportunity for people who high skilled, but also increasing the unemployment. For instance, those who have not high-skilled workers might drop their work due to the same repetitive happens that may be running on the technologies, technological for achieving the target. Thus the desires for those workers can decline due to the change of technological. Likewise, to estimate for both highly-skilled and low-skilled workers need to focus respective work even the technology change, both of them might difficult to replace by machines or lose their job. If the demand shift is not offset by the equal shift related to the labour supply, change in technology can lead to reduction in salary. (e. g. Autor et al. , 2006, Goos et al. , 2009). At the same time, the globalisation may also increase the income inequality. 1) The offshoring (change the national). It is talking about people from richer countries move to poorer countries or poorer country move to richer country. The offshoring happen because skill intensive in their country. For example, some people from the perspective of the skill-poor country may move to rich country for searching the job opportunity. For the conclusion, offshoring makes labour demand more skill intensive in both poorer and richer countries, thus it is increasing the income inequality in both groups of countries (Feenstra and Hanson, 1996). 2) Sometime, the firms are making a different in their profitability which can make the low-income workers work in satisfaction and create low-productivity firms. That would make the firm lose their competitor compare to the other company. At the same time, it may increase labour income inequality by lowering or reducing the employment (e. g. Egger and Kreickemeier,2009; Helpman et al. , 2010). Improvement of the Globalisation and technological change may further raise the income inequality. Besides that, technology may go to the globalisation but it is also increasing the competition between companies to the company in the world, that mean globalisation for technology may force firms to Innovate. Therefore, the Innovation is increasing the labour income inequality both temporarily – since RD is skill intensive (Dinopoulos and Segerstrom, 1999; Neary, 2003) and it provided the RD results in skill-biased on technological change as discussed above (Acemoglu, 2002). Caused of income inequality -Different religion, region, language and gender In Indian have many different of culture, race, religion and language. This situation is making the Indian citizen get a different education or maybe some of don’t even have the opportunity to study. It is because different of culture, race, religion language and sex in Indian might made some of them didn’t get the chance to study or educated. At the same, this kind of diversity is making a trouble to access to education and chance of employment might decrease also at the same time. This is calling the kind of discrimination. The different is making the people in suffer from significant of inequality in employment, education and income. This kind of situation is increasing because different family background might made the living standard become harder and difficult, caused the income increasing in India (Desai Kulkarni, 2008). -Technology The technology is improving all the time, but it also is decreasing the opportunity of job for people who are unskilled and limited educated. The company have to increase productivity to satisfy the demand from market. A lot of companies are investing to the technology to increase their productivity and growth in their business. Therefore, the number of automatic machine increasing is decreasing the job for those people who are working in manual, handy, limited educated and unskilled. In the same time, the service job could increasing because the technology improvement and factory job such as manual and handy is reducing. The service increased but it is just a low pay job. Technology is increasing the income inequality and it is replaced many worker in factory in U. S (WSJ, Technology, Not Globalization,Feeds Income Inequality, July 24, 2008). -Education The raising of education level is the most efficient way to reduce the income inequality. It is because the education has the great relation to the income distribution. The investment in education can made the income inequality decreased and lowers the level of poverty. People who is educated can get a higher opportunity to get a job compared to those are limited educated. It is important to send the child to the school and educated for increasing their intelligence and knowledge for achieving their ambition. In Brazil have a high inequality of income because average of citizen of Brazil attends fewer year to school compared to other. Number of Brazilian is increasing compared to the other country compared to the Latin America (Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros of International Development Economics Associates, 2001) -Price Stability The price stability is also known as inflation problem. In Brazil, inflation happens is making the poor getting poorer but the rich getting richer. It is because when facing the inflation problem or price instability, the company (rich) is following the same contract of wage or income to pay the salary to their employee (poor). Therefore, the poor have to reduce their living standard with their unchanged pay or real lower wages. At the same time, the investor (rich) can move their financial to other country for more opportunity to protect their money during the inflation. But, the poorer citizens have to work in a harder situation so it is difficult for them to escape poverty. (Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros of International Development Economics Associates, 2001) -Impact of Social Benefits In China, government have to provide a lot of benefit to their citizen. For example of social benefit, it is more like social insurance income or pension benefit. Caused of population increased and economic reforms need a greater financial to stimulate the economic growth. Therefore, have to reduce the social benefit such as pension benefit. It is big impact those are affected and increasing the income inequality. At the same time, not only the pension benefits government of China have to reduce the other social benefits such house benefit, health benefits, food assistance and other when have to improve the economic growth but increase income inequality (Gao 2006). http://www. networkideas. org/ideasact/jun07/beijing_conference_07/carl_riskin. pdf Way to reduce income inequality -Immigration Immigration policy would make United States reduce the income inequality. To let in more immigrants who is highly educated and skill will making more job to the America workers. More immigrants don’t mean reduce the opportunity of job to the America workers because it is creating more jobs to those people who are limited educated and limited skill at the same time. While immigrants are highly educated came to America such as: doctor, engineers, lawyer, entrepreneurs and other may increasing the job opportunity to the citizen of America who is limited educated. The job for United State people could increase caused by the immigrants system. Therefore, reducing the number of workers (immigrants) who is limited education might reducing the income inequality to the America because created more opportunity for those people who is limited education and unskilled. (Enrico Moretti is the Michael Peevey and Donald Vial Chair in Labor Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of â€Å"The New Geography of Jobs† (2012). ) -Education In the France that strategy been used make sure every citizen in the country might get the chance to study or educated. It is the one of way to reduce the income inequality which has to be start on education. The education is very important because it can the people in the country to improve their living standards; reduce the income inequality at the same time. New analysis is showing that an increasing for the job opportunity for people with education is associated which is making a decline in labour Earnings inequality in France (Fournier and Koske, 2012). An education is giving to every citizen for get a higher chance to get the job opportunity might reduce the income inequality. -Protecting Our Poor, Elderly and Women to Reduce Income Inequality In Singapore is making the new job for those women, elder worker, and poor people to find and obtain a new job. It is helping them to avoid poverty but have to reduce their salary in their new job. This kind of policy is enabling those workers such as migrants, women, and elder worker to get an income and escape poverty. In the labour market, giving the new job for those people might increase the productivity in Singapore and reduces the income inequality at the same time. But a new job in low pay is providing for that unemployment or can’t find the job; women have been terminated in their job because of pregnancy, and unconscionably obtuse of the elder employee. Have to pay in low wage because their productivity in work also reducing but it still can helped them to continue their live or living (SINGAPORE POPULATION WHITE PAPER, 2013) -Heavy-industry-oriented development strategy In China is starting the strategy of heavy-industry-oriented development to increase the speed of pace of industrialization. To focus of heavy-industry-oriented development strategy, China is increasing the amount of resource from the agriculture. At the same time, it is increasing the opportunity of job. It is because it is some kind of investment to increase the productivity of China by heavy-industry-oriented development which is providing by China government. To run the strategy, the government of China is moving the industry to the less developed rural regions for increasing the job opportunity for those people over there and reducing the income inequality. To reduce the region income inequality, the strategy of heavy-industry-oriented development might carry on rural region to increase their job opportunity. To increasing the growth of economic in China, have to increase the job opportunity for those are employment and increasing the productivity in China. This may decrease the income inequality gap in China (Yang 2002). Conclusion The information above is showing the income inequality is increasing in the world. The income inequality is making people become poorer for those are poor and make the people become richer for those are rich. Therefore it is the economic issue including the outcome, earning and economic growth. It is why income inequality is the one of target or problem for macroeconomic to solve. Reference -Ram, R. (1988) http://www. collinsdictionary. com/dictionary/english/income-inequality -Graph1 http://people. stfx. ca -Graph 2 (source : author’s calculation) -Murtin et al. , 2012 http://www. oecd. org/eco/labour/49421421. pdf

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of UK Basic Chemicals Company

Analysis of UK Basic Chemicals Company BASIC CHEMICALS IN UK ANALYSIS HEADLINES The market size of basic chemicals in UK has declined to GBP12,422 million recording a decline of 2.6% in 2013 due to lower sales to manufacturers of plastic and synthetic rubber in primary form Reach regulation tightened in 2013 limiting competition of non-EU companies in UK Profit margin declines to a record low of 3% preventing production expansion in UK Shale gas remains an ace for basic chemicals producers in UK UK basic chemicals industry is matured. It is expected to grow at CAGR of 0.7% during 2013-2019 MARKET TRENDS The market size of basic chemicals in UK has declined to GBP12,422 million recording a decline of 2.6% in 2013. Contraction of the industry was driven by falling revenues from plastics in primary forms, household cleaning and personal care, photochemicals and explosive, as well as pharmaceuticals segments. Purchases of basic chemicals by plastic in primary forms and synthetic rubber industry declined by 23% to GBP1,360 million. The plastics industry in UK was having trouble competing with producers abroad as oversupply in the world settled-in. UK producers do not have access to cheap raw materials. Consequently, production of plastics and rubber in primary form declined by 23% in UK during 2013 negatively reflecting on revenues of basic chemical industry. Household cleaning and personal care producers reduced their purchases of basic chemicals by 15% in UK during 2013 as turnover of household cleaning and personal care products at constant prices declined by 5.1%. Declining prices of specialty chemicals caused by increasing competition from China was the main reason of lower sales. Competition from abroad is limited by high infrastructure barriers for certain products. Currently ethylene production is concentrated in Grangemouth, Mossmorran and Wilton, UK and there is a network of 8 pipelines connecting major producers and consumers in UK. It is also proposed to connect ethylene network with Rotterdam. Potentially increasing imports if competition kicks-in. As of June, 2013 the regulation of chemicals in EU territory became stricter based on REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances) regulation. The requirement to register chemicals manufactured or intended to import into EU in quantities greater than 100 tons per year forces companies to register within ECA (European Chemicals Agency). Registration within ECA results in higher costs as extensive research to confirm their safety is needed. Imports were pushed out as local producers were able to win-back their market share. Though market of basic chemicals in UK contracted by just 2.6% during 2013 but imports of basic chemicals declined by 25%. Imports made 63% of the basic chemicals market in 2013 in comparison to 81% in 2012. Local producers were pushing out imports of hydrocarbons, oxygen-function compounds and other organic chemicals as their import declined by 31%. PRODUCTION TRENDS Despite declining markets, production of basic chemicals was booming recording an 11% growth in 2013. The growth was driven by hydrocarbons, oxygen-function compounds and other organic chemicals expansion as the segment was winning back market share from imports. As competition in hydrocarbons, oxygen-function compounds and other organic chemicals got tense world-wide, domestic producers chose to compete in local market cutting down segment exports by 20% and total basic chemicals export by 17%. Cost pressure to the basic chemicals industry declined. Total costs related to basic chemicals increased by 12% in UK during. However, cost per unit of produce declined by 5% as turnover at constant prices increased by 17%. As production of hydrocarbons soared, costs related to refined petroleum products by 17% in 2013. The rise in costs in relation to growth in production at constant prices is related to increased share of basic chemicals manufactured from oil products as PPI of refined petroleum products decreased by 5%. Purchases of gas has increased by 21% due to 9.4% rise in prices for industrial uses. Increase in production of hydrocarbons drove the purchases of gas upwards as well. The gas supply is well diversified with most of the gas coming from domestic supplies and Norway. Electricity costs increased by 20% in production of basic chemicals in UK during 2013. Mostly it was related to increased production in quantity though, electricity price rose by 2.6% for industrial users in UK during 2013. UK’s electricity generating capacities are outdated and plants one by one are turned off. Investments are increasing consequently raising electricity wholesale price. Despite an 11% growth in production, profits declined by 21% to GBP284 million in 2013. Profit margin has declined to a record low of 3% as producers were not able to cut costs at same amount as producer prices decreased by 5.7% in 2013. Low profitability repelled new companies and prevents the industry from expansion in the next couple years. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Economies of scale is a major drive force in the industry. Though 27 companies with over 250 employees make less than 2% of companies in the industry, they generated 90% of turnover in 2013 as costs. Largest companies in the industry were Ineos Group Ltd, BP Aromatics Ltd, BASF Plc, Air Products Group Ltd and Croda International Plc. Ineos Group Ltd, a UK-based subsidiary of Ineos AG, manufactures petrochemicals, specialty chemicals and oil products as polymers, chlorvinyls, ethanol, esters, ammonia and nitric acids, plastics, melamines, pnenols, oligomers, olefines, oxides and styrenics. The company sold its INEOS ChlorVinyls divission of chlorine business to 2M Group Ltd that operated in UK in August, 2013. Ineos Group also acquired a powerplant from Fortum in Grangemouth, UK in October, 2014 for GBP54 million. BP Aromatics Ltd is a UK-based subsidiary of BP Plc engaged in manufacture of purified terephthalic acid, acetic acid and olefins and derivatives that are derived from crude oil or natural gas. The company opened a brand-new bioethanol plant in Hull, UK in July, 2013 that cost GBP350 million. BASF Plc is a UK-based subsidiary of BASF SE. The company operates under 6 business segments: chemicals, plastics, performance products, functional solutions, agricultural as well as oil and gas. The chemicals segment is further divided into inorganics, petrochemicals and intermediates divisions. in January, 2013 the company completed acquisition of Pronova BioPharma. In 2014, the company sold its styrolution divission to Ineos as well as began building ammonia plant in Texas, US together with Yara. Air Products Group Ltd is a multinational subsidiary of Air Products Chemicals Inc, which divides its busines into 4 divisions: gases, chemicals, equipment and services solutions. Air Products Group Ltd and Oman Oil Co have signed a joint venture that will provide full range of industrial gases in Oman in December, 2013. Croda International Plc is a multinational company engaged in manufacture of natural based speciality chemicals: consumer care which consists of global businesses in personal care, health care and crop care as well as Industrial Specialities which comprises home care, base oleochemicals, additives for polymers, polymers and coatings, lubricants and lubricant additives, and processed vegetable oils. The company has manufacturing facilities throughout the UK and mainland Europe, North and South America, India, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia and Japan. Croda has invested GBP12 million in April, 2013 in new manufacturing facility in East Yorkshire, UK for processing specialty acrylic-based polymers. The company acquired Sipo to boost its presence in emerging markets in September, 2013. PROSPECTS UK basic chemicals industry is matured. It is expected to grow at CAGR of 0.7% during 2013-2019. The growth will be strongest in bases, gases and other inorganics of 2.5% CAGR during same period. The growth will be hold back by increasing overproduction in world market. Prices of most basic chemicals will continue to be on decline in 2014. It is expected that the price of inorganic and organic chemicals will continue to decline in UK by up to 10% due to sluggish demand in EU and increasing oversupply globally in 2014. Meanwhile, organic chemicals prices should decline by up to 4% in France in 2014 as production continues to increase in N. America with further rapid decline in 2015 as oil and gas prices collapse. Shale gas revolution in US is causing a major headache for UK basic chemicals producers as UK manufacturers have to pay up to 3 times more for gas than US producers. Consequently, producers in N. America are increasing production capacity and might further pressure prices of hydrocarbon-based chemicals down. UK shale gas reserves are estimated between 2.8 and 39.9 trillion cubic metres. Though it remains unclear how much of it is technical extractable. Exploration of shale gas and its extraction is a slow-going process in UK but if successful it could give a boost to basic chemicals market Electricity price most likely will continue to rise as demand of investment increases. Currently, the generation capacities and grid is outdated and a third of power plants are projected to be shut down by 2015. Consequently, investments and price of wholesale electricity should increase deteriorating UK industry’s competitiveness. Recent events in Ukraine and Russia pose little threat to supply of gases in UK as 73% of it is supplied by domestic production and Norway. Qatar supplies another 12% and only 15% of gas that is supplied by Belgium and Netherlands might be redirected from Russia. Though price issue remains if supply struggles in continental Europe, prices of gas might increase. However, supply issues in continental Europe could boost basic chemicals export from UK as producers in other countries might have to cut production. Tightening REACH regulation creates barriers of imports of mostly specialty chemicals as extensive and costly research is required before chemicals are approved by ECA for trade and use in EU. As EU companies tend to have higher market share they gain competitive advantage in distributing their overhead costs in comparison to non-EU producers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Loss of Faith in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Young Goodma

Loss of Faith in Young Goodman Brown      Ã‚   In the Bible, God commands Moses to go up Mount Sinai to receive divine instruction.  Ã‚  Ã‚   When he comes back, his people, the Israelites, have gone crazy.   They have forgotten Moses, and forgotten their God.   They form their own god, a golden calf, and build an altar.   They even had a festival for the golden calf.   "Afterward they sat down to eat and drink and sat down to indulge in revelry" (Exodus 32:6).   Moses then went down the mountain and got so angry that he smashed the tablets with the Ten Commandments on them.  Ã‚   The Israelites lost faith because they could not see the God they were worshipping, so they forgot him and began worshipping a false idol.   The Israelites are not very different from modern man.   In his short story, "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne shows why man loses faith.   Man loses faith because of pride, weakness, and erroneous values.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pride causes man to lose faith.   Often man tries to handle situations on his own.   He seeks to contend with evil by himself.  Ã‚   In "Young Goodman Brown," the title character becomes crazy and confronts evil, "Come witch, come wizard, come Indian powwow, come devil himself! And here comes Goodman Brown.   You may as well fear him as he fear you!" (Hawthorne   324). Goodman Brown feels that he will be the demise of sin.   He assumes that he is strong enough to conquer it all single-handedly.   Pride also prevents man from realizing his own imperfections.   When wandering in the wilderness, Young Goodman Brown says, "A marvel, truly, that Goody Cloyse should be so far in the wilderness at nightfall" (Hawthorne   320).   The wilderness symbolizes any sinful place.   Young Goodman Brown fails to realize that the only reason... ...ke Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, who cast off the beliefs of post World War I America.   Many of these thinkers moved to Paris and try to make find meaning in their meaningless lives.   They would throw wild parties, "drink excessively, and have scandalous love affairs (Kaiser)."   They gained prominent places in the twentieth century because of their spiritual alienation.   Loss of faith may cause fame and fortune, as it did for the lost generation, but with this loss came inescapable emptiness.    Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel.   "Young Goodman Brown."   Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense.   Ed. Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson.   Harcourt College Publishers: Fort Worth, 2002.   316-328. Kaiser, Nancy.   "The Lost Generation."   University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   29 October 2001.   <   http://ils.unc.edu/~kaisn/pathfind.html>