Sunday, December 22, 2019
Terrorism And The Terrorist Attacks - 3869 Words
When you think of the word terrorist, what comes to mind? ISIS, Al Qaeda, or bearded Muslims? Terrorist are all over the world, including in the United States. They look just like me and you. Since 9/11 a lot of Americans think of people of middle eastern descent adorned in hijabs as terrorists due to that tragic event. We as Americans have discriminated towards â€Å"brown colored†people because that is what the media around us has ingrained into our minds. In actuality, a smart terrorist looks just like you and me. A terrorist is a person who uses terrorism as a tool in the pursuit of political aims. This semester, I came to understand that terrorist has multiple meanings and faces. In my opinion, a Terrorist is a person who conspires against the government and uses violent acts to prove points or send messages. Many terrorists see their act of terror as heroic. Based on information I’ve gained through this class and coursework, I have come to believe that the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is a terrorist group. The KKK, just like any other terrorist groups around the world argue’s their attacks on civilian targets to spread fear for some alleged political goal. The KKK was founded on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee consider to be the original domestic terrorist. By six college students J. Calvin Jones, Frank O. McCord, John B. Kennedy, John C. Lester, James R. Crowe, and Richard R. Reed. Before their was a name for the KKK, African Americans called the Klan the ghostShow MoreRelatedTerrorism And The Terrorist Attacks1777 Words  | 8 PagesSeptember 11, 2001 is a day many will not forget. This is one of the deadliest terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, in U.S. history. 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