Friday, May 31, 2019
Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides and Joyce Carolyn Oates’s Expensive Peo
Eugenidess The Virgin Suicides and Joyce Carolyn Oatess dear(predicate) People Suburban life is commonly portrayed as a narrative of the upper-middle class. Clean, stereotyped and reserved, suburbia is a tangible representation of the universally misconstrued American dream. However, culture fails to recognize the dark underbelly of this uplifting dream a world of masked depression, ingrained superiority and stark ignorance. Jeffery Eugenidess The Virgin Suicides and Joyce Carolyn Oatess Expensive People both narrate the darker side of the American dream. This hidden societal hogwash is portrayed in a light filled with brilliant reality a reality that true American life fails to acknowledge. Both The Virgin Suicides and Expensive People were written about a time wrought with cultural tension. Although none of this is directly mentioned it seems highly unrealistic that any part of these happenings failed to seep into suburban communities and infect them with some sense of a crumbling reality. Outside influences, whether they were consciously recognized or not, drifted silently into suburban America and cast a suffocating appealingness on these structured communities. National crisis and society as a whole became the catalyst for suburban decomposition, simply because all those living in such communities chose to fail reality and feign an untouched existence. In The Virgin Suicides the five Lisbon girls are placed in a comfortable suburban home (Eugenides 5). However, this good-tempered existence is disrupted by the suicide attempt of the youngest daughter Cecilia. The naivet of the community is shown extremely early in this novel , citing the newspapers failed obligation to narrative the drama Our local newspap... institutions. Suburban life has always been seen as untouchable, a form of utopic existence. Both Eugenides as well as Oates did an excellent job in distilling this myth and portraying the American dream-esque neighborhood a s more of an American fiction. The Lisbon suicides, dictated by monotonous routine and dreary life style, became a representation of the disease that was infecting the country conformity. Richards murder of his mother became the crack in the communitys pristine outer shell of existence his refusal to experience submissive to suburbia came when he sent the last bullet into his mother. Both novels capture negative suburban influence and, in reference to Hunter S. Thompsons theory of the death of the American dream, in direct correlation with both novels, suburban life has become a monster reincarnation of Horatio Algers American dream.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The President Commission on Excellence in Special Education (PCESE) :: essays papers
The prexy Commission on Excellence in picky Education (PCESE)The governments primarily goal is to close the achievement breach amongst special educational activity students and general education students. In October of 2001, earlier the No Child Left Behind was put into action, President Bush appointed a commission called The Presidents Commission on Excellence in excess Education (PCESE). The purpose of this commission was to bring together 100 experts to evaluate the special education system. In conclusion, the commission could not agree more with President Bush that the special education system needed radical reform (Kauffman, 2004 p. 1). One of the main changes that the commission wanted to see was the achievement gap between special education students and general education students. The PCESE states, The ultimate test of the value of special education is that, once identified, children close the achievement gap with their peers (Kauffman, 2004 p. 4). Im assuming the word peer means the same age child in general education. I dont see how they expect students with a mental disability to be able to learn just has fast as general education students. I mean thats what closing the gap means. The gap to which the PCESE refers is simply not closable for reasons obvious to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of statistics and disability (Kauffman, 2003 p. 3). Kauffman brings up an excellent point, why isnt the government comparing children that perk special education to those children who dont receive special education. Wouldnt it make sense to compare two things that are similar instead of stressful to compare two things that are no way alike? Why dont we focus on making special education as good as it can be? We should work to make sure students with disabilities learn everything they can at their own speed in special education (Kauffman, 2003 p. 3). Not scraping the whole system. Basically general education students are the wrong comparison to deter mine if the special education system is working or not. The PCESE asked the wrong question and suggested dedicating ourselves to closing the wrong gap. Their approach is about as helpful as dedicating ourselves to closing the gap between 5 and 7 (Kauffman, 2003 p. 3). outright after the PCESE made its report and after President Bush put NCLB into action three years ago, the nation starts to ask if this law is truly luck our children with disabilities. Is this new law really helping our students exceed expectations?
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Comparing Melvilles Moby Dick as a Mans Story and Naslunds Novel, Ah
Comparing Melvilles Moby Dick as a Mans score and Naslunds Novel, Ahabs wife as a Womans Story Throughout my reading of Moby Dick and Ahabs Wife, I was disturbed by the fact that the most tempting way to situate the two novels in a birth was to categorize them as male and female. Moby Dick was, of course, the mans story and Ahabs Wife was its womanly counterpart. This comparison makes sense when you consider the gender of the authors, Melville and Naslund, the gender of their respective narrators, Ishmael and Una, and the experiences pictured throughout the texts. Many readers argue, There are no female characters in Moby Dick- how could it be anything but a mans story? In that context, it is easy to position Ahabs Wife at the opposite end of the literary spectrum because the novel is told solely from a feminine perspective. Viewing the texts in this way indicates that our conceptions of gender have not changed practically since the days of Adam and Eve. In that story the man, Ad am, came first and provided the foundation for humankind. Eve was an afterthought, borne from a single rib. The rib that became Una can be found in Moby Dick- a single reference to Ahabs spouse back in Nantucket. Adam and Eve represent a clear division between male and female that realised the gender binary we now impose on these two texts. I find this dichotomy troubling and ultimately inadequate for several reasons. First of all, I dont agree with the spectrum concept that places maleness on one side and femaleness on the other, then locates Moby Dick and Ahabs Wife at these opposite poles. However, this formula exists in almost every field of study. The scientific term for the differences between males and females of a s... ...the finishing to posterity. (663) Just as Melville left room for Naslund, she has opened the door for more(prenominal) stories to emerge from Moby Dick and more towers to be constructed. Sources Cited Chase, Cheryl. Hermaphrodites With Attitude Mapping t he Emergence of Intersex Political Action. from Questions of sexual practice/Engendering Questions, 130-141Garber, Marjorie. Spare Parts The Surgical Construction of Gender from Questions of Gender/Engendering Questions, 361-368 Hemmeter, Gail. Ambiguous Sexes from Questions of Gender/Engendering Questions, 96-118 Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. New York W.W. Norton & Company Inc, 2002.Naslund, Sena Jeter. Ahabs Wife. New York William Morrow and Company, Inc, 1999. Slaughenhoupt, Bruce L. Diagnostic Evaluation and Management of the Child With Ambiguous Genitalia. KMA Journal 95 (1997) 135-141.
agganis arena Essay -- essays research papers
Agganis ArenaThe multi-purpose expanse that I allow chosen to evaluate is capital of milliampere Universitys Agganis Arena. This champaign is considered to be the next generation of Boston sports and entertainment by incorporating the latest multimedia technologies and providing the finest possible sight lines and views of the action. The arena is located within Boston Universitys new $225 million John Hancock Student Village, a 10-acre hub of activity designed to be the thriving center of student life and athletics, Agganis Arena is a state-of-the-art, multipurpose sports and entertainment center scheduled to open in January 2005. A 290,000-square-foot premier venue with 6,300 seats for hockey and ice shows, the Arena is expandable to everywhere 7,200 seats for concerts, sporting effects, and family shows. Including hockey action, Agganis Arena will host Boston University events, concerts, family shows, sporting events, trade shows and conferences throughout the year. It look forward to welcoming everyone to a beautiful, clean, comfortable, safe, and arouse environment. There are excellent sight lines, inviting food and beverage selections, and first-class Guest Services will make your experience with Agganis Arena so memorable that you will want to come back again and again.The arena has many features to it to make very state of the art environment. The Box Office for the arena includes a fully integrated online ticketing system and also has seven ticket windows along the Southeast Arena main entrance and lobby. The luxury seating in the Agganis arena includes 29 Loge Suites and Premium Seats with great services and has a 5,600 square-foot Private Club Room with flexible floor plan options that can have room for up to 600 guests. To provide these luxury suites and club rooms there is a 4,250-square-foot full service kitchen and 300-square-foot Club Room kitchen. If fans are hungry during the farinaceous there are six concession stands throughout the arena that offer over 44 menu items. The facility includes 15 restrooms spread through the arena for men and women which are all handicapped assessable. Plenty of pose within great walking distance to the arena has been provided to all patrons. There are 1,400 parking spots right next to the arena. The ice hockey rink has the greatest technology to keep it looking nice. The measurements of the sheet of i... ...y standard printer.The Arena meets all Massachusetts State Accessibility and Federal ADA requirements, with at-grade entries, 44 wheelchair positions at the concourse direct with 44 adjacent companion seats, 13 wheelchair positions at ice level with 13 adjacent companion seats, flexibility in all private suites to provide a wheelchair, affable restrooms, assisted listening devices at grade entry, and 4 passenger elevators. The Arena has three public pay phones adjacent to the main lobby ticket box office. All the public pay phones are accessible to Guests in wheelchairs an d one is equipped for TTY/TDD use. Service animals that assist Guests with disabilities are welcome into the Arena. Service animals must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times. Please contact the Arena Box Office if you intend to bring a service animal to an event so an aisle seat may be reserved for you. Agganis Arena fully complies and exceeds all requirements as set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require alter seating while at an event, you can contact the Agganis Arena Ticket Office directly at 617-358-7000 to order your tickets so that they can best acknowledge your needs.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The House on Mango Street Feminist Elements :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism
The House on Mango Street Feminist Ele handsts Sandra Cisneros reveals her feminist views through her novel The House on Mango Street. She does this by forcing the reader to see the protagonist as an alienated artist and by creating many knock-down(prenominal) and intelligent female characters who serve as the protagonists inspiration. The idea of the alienated artist is very common in feminist works. Esperanza, the protagonist, is alienated from the rest of society in many ways. Her Latino neighborhood seems to be excluded from the rest of the world, while Esperanza is also separated from the other members of her community. Members of other cultures are afraid to enter the neighborhood because they believe it is dangerous. Esperanza seems to be the only one who refuses to vindicatory accept Mango Street, and she dreams of someday leaving it behind. She is considered an artist because she has an extremely creative imagination which creates a conflict with the type of liberal individuality she seeks. This creative " whiz survives even under the most adverse conditions..." (Gagnier 137). To escape the pain of this division, Esperanza turns to writing. She says, "I put it down on paper and then the ghost does non pain so much" (Cisneros 110). Gagnier sees a "distinction of the writer who nonetheless sees herself as somehow different, separate..." (137). Mango Street consists of mostly female characters. These characters are strong and inspirational, plainly they are unable to escape the suppression of the surrounding environment. According to one critic, "The girls mother, for instance, has talent and brains, but lacks practical knowledge about society because, says Esperanza, Mexican men dont like their women strong " (Matchie 69-70). It is Esperanzas mother who tells her to never be ashamed because shame can only hinder her dreams. In "The Three Sisters", the women tell Esperanza that she is special and remind her not to forget where she came from when she finally makes it out of Mango Street. This inspiration makes Esperanza understand that she must help others who arent as fortunate to leave as she is. Esperanza is a very strong woman in herself. Her goals are not to forget her "reason for being" and "to grow despite the concrete" so as to achieve a license thats not separate from togetherness.
The House on Mango Street Feminist Elements :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism
The House on Mango Street Feminist Elements Sandra Cisneros reveals her feminist views through her new The House on Mango Street. She does this by forcing the reader to see the protagonist as an alienated artist and by creating many strong and intelligent female person characters who serve as the protagonists inspiration. The idea of the alienated artist is very common in feminist works. Esperanza, the protagonist, is alienated from the rest of participation in many ways. Her Hispanic neighborhood seems to be excluded from the rest of the world, while Esperanza is also separated from the other members of her community. Members of other cultures ar afraid to enter the neighborhood because they believe it is dangerous. Esperanza seems to be the solely one who refuses to just accept Mango Street, and she dreams of someday leaving it behind. She is considered an artist because she has an extremely creative imagination which creates a conflict with the type of liberal individual ism she seeks. This creative "genius survives even under the most adverse conditions..." (Gagnier 137). To escape the pain of this division, Esperanza turns to writing. She says, "I put it down on paper and then the spot does not ache so much" (Cisneros 110). Gagnier sees a "distinction of the writer who nonetheless sees herself as somehow different, separate..." (137). Mango Street consists of mostly female characters. These characters are strong and inspirational, but they are unable to escape the suppression of the surrounding environment. According to one critic, "The girls mother, for instance, has talent and brains, but lacks practical knowledge about society because, says Esperanza, Mexican men dont like their women strong " (Matchie 69-70). It is Esperanzas mother who tells her to never be ashamed because shame can only hinder her dreams. In "The Three Sisters", the women tell Esperanza that she is particular(prenominal) and remind her not to forget where she came from when she finally makes it out of Mango Street. This inspiration makes Esperanza understand that she must help others who arent as fortunate to leave as she is. Esperanza is a very strong woman in herself. Her goals are not to forget her "reason for being" and "to grow despite the concrete" so as to get to a freedom thats not separate from togetherness.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators Essay
Zotero is an open-source and free bundle management used in managing bibliographic entropy and related researched materials (Pucket 2011). Mendeley is a web program and a desktop used in sharing and managing research paper, collaborating online and discovering research data (Banbaj 2009). RefWorks is a commercial web-based software package used for reference management (Tung 2009).The three types of citations play an important role in bibliographic data management, researching on relevant materials used in making bibliographies, share and manage the online research data, and finally ensure proper reference management (Pollack, Cruess, Sternet, Sillitoe, Perou, Jeffrey, 2009).RefWorks provides databases of stored online references that allow easy access and update of information from any(prenominal) computer with internet connections. The software provides a better link of RefWork users account to journals that are electronically edited with institutions program library subscripti on. Providers of bibliographic databases have implemented the ability of directly exporting references to RefWorks (Hasjim 2013pp.742-749). Mendeley comprises of a team of graduates, researchers, and developers from divergent academic institutions. It has become a famous website through different awards it has won, which include European start-up 2009, bets society social innovation 2009 and 100 tech top media companies (Sledz 2009 pp.1407-1408). The name Zotero is derived from a verb Albanian which means to master (Rimikis 2013 p.792). Zotero has the ability of converting ens movement of proprietary EndNotes into language style of citation.Citation is an important aspect in all academic writings. Majority of academic researchers has adopted the use of the three modules in ensuring proper management of references. In all types of research and scholarly writing, it is necessary to have source works documented. These works are used to underpin special positions, concepts arguments and propositions with citations. They serve the following purposes assist readers in relocating and identifying the source work, gives evidence that the position was researched well, and provides credit to the author of the presented theory or an original concept (McMurray 2011 pp.647-654).ReferencesBanbaji, A., & Beersheba, I. (2009). Mendeley whasiypwr halwmiy. Wr Yhwdah Dbiyr .Puckett, J. (2011). Zotero a transcend for librarians, researchers, and educators. Chicago Association of College and Research Libraries.Tung, K. L., & Pan, Y. (2009). EndNote & RefWorks lun wen yu wen xian xie zuo guan li (Chu ban. ed.). Tai bei shi Wu nan.Source document
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Three Disciplines
The Three Disciplines all appeal to me in some ways, but if I had to choose between anthropology, psychology, and sociology, I would have to choose psychology. The argumentation behind it will be explained in detail but it can be broken down to three main reasons being the initiative break with verified results and facts earlier than unproven theories, having more post-high school opportunities considering that I wish to pursue a career in business, and being the most in-depth discipline. psychology has more quantitative information, more enkindle career opportunities and more systemized in comparison to anthropology and sociology.My character is very self-assured and I am not convinced easily, so with all my stubbornness, I cannot be persuaded by theory, I need proof. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental laboratory in psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany (WGBH educational Foundation, 2001). Obviously one would know that the beginning of psychology did not start exactly when the laboratory in Germany was opened, but the first sign of actual living and recording of results in a scientific environment was created.Laboratories were places where psychologists like Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner and more would be taken seriously when they would introduce their ideas of psychoanalytic theory, the conscious and unconscious(p) mind, analytical psychology, collective conscious, unconditioned and conditioned response and stimulus, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning (Collinshaw & Kritzer & Warecki, 2011, p. 59, 61, 64, 65). In the 1870s, zoos became unattended laboratories, especially with the so-called ethnological exhibitions or negro villages. (Wikipedia, 2011). The earliest anthropological laboratories were the wasting disease of zoos, which is very hard to take seriously, even though it makes sense. Anthropology is the scientific quite a little of the origin, the behaviour, and the tangibl e, social, and cultural development of humans, so studying animals first would be an adequate place to start, since animals are much less complex. Sociology is a relatively new academic discipline. It emerged in the early 19th century in response to the challenges of modernity. (edu. learnsoc. org, 2011). Sociology itself is behind in comparison to psychology and anthropology so it is expected that it would not have as many legitimate records or working environments as psychology. In the future, I wish to pursue a career involving mainly business courses, just because that is what I like. I enjoy economics, which is basically applying the thought of batch to numbers and prices, to get an outcome.I researched the economics program and psychology program at the University of Toronto, and they in fact have no relation together, but within my undergraduate years I am able to take psychology courses along with economics courses. In my perception, I feel like I can use certain psycholog y courses to understand the mind better and take advantage of that from a business point of view, and generate profit. Courses like Cross-cultural psychology, and Special Topics in Human Communication can help me delve into the human mind.Cross-culture psychology is the examination of culture-blind and culture-bound aspects of traditional psychology that includes issues of diversity, cultural influences on basic psychological processes, and the contact of culture on social and developmental processes (University of Toronto, 2012). By studying cultural influences, I could maybe create a product that is appealing to todays Canadian culture. Special Topics in Human Communication is the examination of selected topics in psychological approaches to human communication (University of Toronto, 2012).Communicating better or more efficiently could amplify sales of some sort where I would have to encourage and convince people to purchase something. There definitely are courses in anthropolo gy that can be tied into an economics program that would actually help me in my future career, like Social Theory Through Everyday Life, which explains theories of culture and society, with examples from ordinary disembodied spirit and fantasy and their popular expressions (University Of Toronto, 2012), but the issue is that I have no interest in the study of society as a whole, I would rather study an individual.Sociology courses once again pertain to groups of people rather than the individuals in them, with courses like Women and Work, and Race Class Gender, which are pretty self explanatory (University of Toronto, 2012). As a person of specificity and depth, I wish to study individuals rather than crowds. As I already mentioned, I am a person of depth, and psychology is darksome because it is broken up into so many sub-fields or Schools of Thought as our course book labels them. Anthropology only has four sub-fields, and sociology is broken up into several issues to study rath er than sub-fields.Psychology consists of biological, clinical, cognitive, comparative, developmental, education and school, evolutionary, industrial, personality, social, and positive (Wikipedia, 2012). In our course so far we have not even covered half of those sub-fields. Anthropology consists of cultural anthropology, archeology, linguistic anthropology, and physical anthropology (Wikipedia, 2012). Our course has covered three out of those four sub-fields already. Traditional focuses of sociology have included social stratification, social class, culture, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, and deviance.Our course has covered some of those issues. Psychology leads with the most sub-fields that probably needed a lot of work to organize and separate, which is why psychology appeals to me the most. In conclusion, psychology is a much more interesting and diverse discipline since it deals with the individual mind rather than society itself. In my future career psychology courses could be very affective if I deal with people face to face. This essay has proven to me and to the reader what opportunities psychology has for me in the future. References * edu. learnsoc. org. History of Sociology. Retrieved from http//edu. earnsoc. org/Chapters/1%20introduction/3%20history%20of%20sociology. htm * University of Toronto. Arts & Science 2011-2012 Fall/Winter school term Timetable for Sociology SOC courses. Looking for the official U of T Faculty of Arts and Science home page?. Retrieved from http//www. artsandscience. utoronto. ca/ofr/timetable/winter/soc. html * University of Toronto. Course Descriptions Anthropology. (n. d. ). Welcome to the subdivision of Anthropology Anthropology. Retrieved from http//anthropology. utoronto. ca/undergraduate/courses * WGBH Educational Foundation. The History of Psychology.Retrieved from http//www. learner. org/discoveringpsychology/history/history_nonflash. html * Wikipedia. Anthropology Wikipedia, the free encyclo pedia. Retrieved from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Anthropology * Wikipedia. History of anthropology Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/History_of_anthropology * Wikipedia. Psychology Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Psychology * Wikipedia. Sociology Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sociology * * * * * *
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Marijuana Prohibition Canada
The Controlled Substances pretend (Marijuana proscription) CLN-4U Unit One Essay Cailey Bazik CLN 4U Unit One Essay Controlled Substances consummation Marijuana Prohibition The Controlled substance act pertaining to Marijuana has been a long on going battle as to whether marijuana should be legal in Canada and taken reveal of this act. The law behind the drug has a long history and many failed attempts at decriminalisation. T present are both positive and cast out effects to this law, just I believe the positive effects weigh out the negative and that because of this marijuana will be legal in the near future.The Marijuana laws in Canada today are unresolved, as superior courts have ruled on the whole cannabis laws to be of no force or effect. Although the federal aim of courts have made this ruling it has not caused any changes to other Canadian jurisdictions, the Criminal Code or the Controlled Substances Act. ( wakeless biography of Cannabis in Canada) The Controlled Dr ugs and Substances Act was passed in 1996 by the government under Prime Minister John Cretien. It is Canadas federal drug control statue. This act outlines penalties for possession, trafficking and production of the substances established as illegal, including Marijuana. Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) Canadian laws pertaining to drugs began in 1908 with the opium act, which was replaced by the opium and narcotic drug act in 1920. Marijuana however was not added to the confidential restricted list until 1923. ( healthy History of Cannabis in Canada) Marijuana and the laws surrounding the issue only started to receive attention in the 1930s and even then it was very minimal. It wasnt until the 1960s where problems arose with the law. At this time the maximum penalty for possession of small amounts of cannabis was 6 months n prison and a $1000 fine. A government dishonor was commissioned and public hearings were held to analyze the law over a period of three years. A address on the findings of this inquiry was published in 1972. The La Dain Commission suggested that penalties for can ibis possession be abolished, but to not legalize the substance. Of course this proposal was denied, along with other potential law reforms over the years. (here to help) In Recent Years the fight for the decriminalization of Marijuana has been more persistent.Research showed that Marijuana for medical use could help a number of ailments and disieses. health check Marijuana in Canada was made legal in 2001 for things such as HIV, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease and injury, anorexia severe pain, seizures and persistent muscle spasms. (Legal History of Cannabis in Canada) Along with the boost in medical use came a boost in personal use. According to a report from the United Nations Canada is the highest in marijuana use in the industrialized world and more than four times the global rate. Canadian Pot custom intravenous feeding Time Global Rate) In May 2002 Chr etien introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana for personal use. This bill was denied mainly because of pressure from the U. S and a threat to slow down b send crossing between the two countries. Paul Martin in 2004 tried to pass an almost identical bill, which was also rejected. (Legal History of Cannabis in Canada) It was in 2007 when Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and the conservative minority government introduced Bill C-26, which presented mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act).A recent poll released by Torontos Forum Research showed that majority of Canadians support relaxing marijuana laws. In fact it showed that 65 % of Canadians support all the decriminalization in small amounts or legalisation and taxation of the substance. (Ballingall) Unfortunately with the new mandatory minimum sentences it seems our laws do not reflect societies views. (Wood, Antweiler) Although it seems Canadians and Americans are in favour of decrimi nalizing Marijuana it is important to understand the reason these laws are there in the first place.Marijuana is harmful to ones health and to youth. The president of the Canadian Police joining believes Canadians are trying to decriminalize marijuana prematurely. He says supporters of change are overlooking the risks. We dont have the tools and the training available to us instanter to ensure that people arent driving cars, for example, or operating machinery, while theyre impaired by Marijuana he tell. There are all kinds of implications that I dont think people are considering carefully enough Its static a harmful substance ultimately (Ballingall)That being said there are many negative effects to having the prohibition of Marijuana in place. The Union of B. C municipalities passed a resolution summoning research be done looking into the legalization of marijuana. They came to the conclusion that the prohibition has been ineffective in deterring youth use, and production of t he plant. (Wood, Antweiler) It seems that other measures need to be taken in order to ensure the youth of Canada dont use drugs recreationally, and criminalizing marijuana has little effect. Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Frasers university have estimated B.Cs marijuana market would be worth more than $500 million annually. Unfortunately most of the revenue goes to criminal organizations. (Wood, Antweiler) This number is based on one province alone, think of how much(prenominal) this number would go up if the whole country were involved in their research. The profiting of criminal organizations in turn causes more violence, guns and other illegal activity in the country. If Canada were to legalize and tax cannabis the government would then receive all the profits, this money could fund government programs such as health care, social service and education.It would also significantly decrease criminal activity, and save money in courts and jails. One o f the main reasons in the past for the prohibition on marijuana was the negative response from the U. S, however there are now 12 states that have decriminalized Marijuana (Wood, Antweiler) meaning there is less pressure from our bordering Country. This and the obvious preference of legalization from Canadian citizens means it is only a matter of time before marijuana is officially decriminalized, taken out of the Controlled Drugs Act, the criminal code and consistent laws in all Canadian jurisdictions.This I believe will come first, and potentially government controlled sales and taxation shortly after. It would be insane for the government to not take seize the opportunity to bring in so much revenue for the country. It seems as though the prolonged struggle to legalize marijuana still needs time and The Controlled Substances Act will remain as it is for a while longer. Although there are potentially many positive effects to decriminalization and controlled sales for taxation It i s clear Canada still need the time to prepare to ensure it is done safety, effectively and not detrimental to youth.Canadians may be fudge for a change and the government will eventually have to surrender, regardless of minor health issues cannabis causes. Bibliography 1. ) Ballingall, Alex. Canada. Thestar. com. The Toronto Star, 20 Nov. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . 2. ) Canadian Pot Use Four times Global Rate. Canadian Pot Use Four times Global Rate. N. p. , 10 July 2007. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . . ) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . 4. ) Hathaway, Andrew. Legal History and ethnic Experience of Cannabis. Www. heretohelp. ba. ca. N. p. , 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . 5. ) Legal History of Cannabis in Canada. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Coffee Benefits Essay
IntroductionI.I believe there is something special in our little everyday moments, from that first wonderful sip of hot, milky chocolate in the forenoon to those ten stolen minutes of me. II.Not only does coffee taste good, it can stimulate my mind to refresh and relax. III.Coffee stimulates your senses from its caffeine content which stimulates metabolism and supports mental alertness and concentration.IV.Coffee may hydrate you beside its advantage of relaxing. a.Because water is the main ingredient in a cupful of coffee, it helps you work towards your daily water needs and is practically let loose of calories. V.Coffee refreshes you with its wealth of polyphenols.a.Polyphenols are nutrients that help maintain your body in good health over time. VI.Today I would share with you guys close to the three major health benefits of coffee coffee and antioxidants, coffee and your mind and coffee and your body. (Transition Lets start with the coffee and antioxidants)BodyI.Research has shown that a cup of coffee naturally comes with antioxidants, which are in truth good for you. a.Your body is constantly exposed to particles called free radicals. i.Particles which are caused by factors like exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, environmental pollution, stress and smoking. b.Scientific studies suggest that free radicals can damage your body tissues, affect the ageing process and cause diseases like cataracts, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.c.Antioxidants in your body neutralize the free radicals and nurture your body cells from damage. (Transition Now that you know something about the coffee and antioxidants, lets look at coffee and your mind)II.Many studies suggest that coffee drinking can remedy overall cognitive performance. a.The cognitive performance which includes important mental skills like perception, attention, memory, problem solving and reaction or response abilities. b.There is some consequence to suggest potential benefits of coffe e and caffeine in situations which require increased alertness e.g. night shifts and jet lag.(Transition Now I have brief about the coffee and your mind. So lets move to the last)III.Upping Your Physical Performance and weight management aid a.Increasing your capability and capacity for exercise.b.This means that you can donjon going at a more intense pace, for a longer period and gain more from your workouts c.Did you know that a plain black cup of coffee contains a very small amount of calories? i.In fact, coffee may be able to help maintain a healthy weight cultivationI.As we have seen, Coffee provides numerous health benefits which are contains antioxidants, improve cognitive performance and physical performance. II.Thus, the next time you drink a cup of coffee, unless think of all its benefits go beyond taste. BibliographyBooksS Rautiainen et al, 2012. Total antioxidant Capacity from Diet and Risk of Myocardial Infarction A prospective age bracket of Women. The American Jour nal of Medicine, Volume 125.R Sinha et al, 2012. Caffeinated and decaffeinated and tea intakes and risk of colorectal cancer in a large prospective study. American Journal of clinical Nutrition, Volume 96 374-381.ArticleSin CWM, et al (2008). Systematic review on the effectiveness of caffeine abstinence on the quality of sleep. J Clin nurse 1813-21.Internet sourcesCoffee & Health From The bring in For Scientific Information On Coffee. Cancer. (27 Jan, 2012) Retrieved 26 Sept 2012 from http// & Health From The Institute For Scientific Information On Coffee. Mental Performance . (2 Feb, 2012) retrieved 26 Sept 2012 from http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Imagine you are Macbeth Essay
Q- Imagine you are Macbeth. Write a diary entry in which you express your jetghts and feelings at Act 1 Scene 7 and a later entry at roughly time later one, possible aft(prenominal) meeting the doctor.Today Lady Macbeth has convinced me. We are going to ahead with the plot to kill the force.When she first told me about the plan I was very doubtful. I dont think I result be able to live with myself with the guilt of killing the king. I know this is wrong. What about if we get caught? I am just weighing up the situation.Perhaps I dont need to do anything to become king, If take on will have me king, why, chance may crown me without stir.I possess uncertainty of whether it is righteous to take the life of such a great king in score to feed my hunger for power. As I was thinking about this gesture, I left the chamber and decided not to do the deed.The idea of killing the king came from me first, this was when I perceive the witches prophecies.When I first met the witches, they to ld me 3 predictions. They tell,All hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, Thane of GlamisAll hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, Thane of CawdorAll hail, Macbeth That shalt be king hereafterWhen I heard this I was shocked and couldnt believe it. Banquo was with me and he asked them, Which outward ye show? My noble partner you great with present grace, and great prediction of noble having and of purplish hope that he slems rapt withal.They then told us the final prediction, Thou shalt get kings, though be none.To us this meant that he will not be king further his children will. This was all so confusing. I know I am Thane of Glamis but how puke I be the Thane of Cawdor? He still lives as a prosperous gentleman. Then there is me to become king. This is not within the prospect of my belief.Before we could say anything else they vanished.As Banquo and I were public lecture about the predictions, Ross came with some exciting news. He told me that as I fought well in the battle, I get the reward as the Thane of Cawdor. Mine and Banquo faces dropped with astonishment. The Thane of Cawdor lives. Why do you dress me in borrowed robed? I asked Ross. He then told us that he had died.At this point I had no idea of killing the king. I thought I would never be king and if I was to how would I?The witches offered me great enticement, but it is up to me to fail in the temptation or to be strong enough to resist their captivation.As I was thinking about this, Lady Macbeth came in. I knew this was the best time to tell her. I tell, We will give-up the ghost no further in this business.She looked at me with great hate but I knew I said the right thing.Was the hope drunk? said Lady Macbeth, Such I account thy love, art thou afeard to be the same in thin own act and valour, as thou art in desire?.She was saying to me that I was drunk and I didnt know what I was saying. She said that my love is worth nothing if I refuse to go through with the plan, and my love is as accountable as my in decisi veness. She also questions my masculinity and criticises my desire to be king.She used emotional squeeze to seduce me to proceed with this ambitious enterprise, When you durst do it, then you were a man. She makes an analogy to emphasise the importance of keeping my promise. aft(prenominal) listening to her I entangle very offended. I knew I had to do this or I will regret it all my life. I wanted to prove 3 things that I am a man, my love for my wife, and my desire to be king. To prove these I need to murder king Duncan, so I am.Today the doctor has come and said my wife is ill but he has no cure. This is very disturbing because I noticed she was acting a bit strange after we did that deed.After we murdered king Duncan she was very confident, unlike me. She even toke the daggers back into Duncans chamber for me and also she helps me wash the blood off my hands. She helped me pull me together psychologically.When I saw the ghost of Banquo, it caused me stress and concern. This pu t together huge pressure on Lady Macbeth. Even though she cannot see the apparition herself she had to cover up for me. This put a lot of emotional pressure on her. She then tried to get me out of this strange state of mind by once over again questioning my manhood, while at the same time giving the guests the excuse that I am not well. She takes control and tells all the guests to leave.I think she has unplowed her anger and fear in and since I have done more murders she feels more guilty and I have noticed she talks to herself.Since then her doings has changed and it shows carefully that her contrived mask slipped. In her sleepwalking she reveals the guilt and anxieties by which she is tortured.But her loyalty to me remains intact. She came to me once and said, No more Othat, you queer all with this starting, this was confusing.She has given all and now her present is overwhelming by the past, like what she said, Whats done cannot be undone. She is saying that we cant change th e past. But it was her who thought of the idea and it was her who convinced me. She is totally regretting it now.The doctor even couldnt believe it, I have two nights watched with you, but can perceive no truth in your report.I dont know what to do. I will just give some time to her and will see what will happen.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
3 Basic Beliefs and Integrity Walmart Essay
Walmart was founded on three basic beliefs service to our customers, respect for the idiosyncratic and striving for excellence. Our adherence to these principles has created a unmatched work culture at Walmart. No matter where you go to any of our stores and offices in any of our brands around the world our associates live these values.* Service to our customers* Respect for the individual* Striving for excellenceA Foundation of IntegrityOur basic beliefs are built on a foundation of integrity our values of honesty, fairness and objectivity guide how we apply these beliefs to the workplace. In separate words, we strive to * Be honest by telling the truth and keeping our word.* Be fair by use our business influence appropriately and creating an open environment for raising questions and concerns. * Be objective by making decisions based on Walmarts interests, rather than ad hominem interests, and by avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.1. Service to Our CustomersEvery a ssociate from our CEO to our hourly associates in local stores is reminded daily that our customers are why were here. We do our best(p) each day to provide the greatest possible level of service to everyone we come in contact with. hardly what do we mean by service to our customers?* We serve our customers by making them our first priority. * We support our associates so they raise best serve our customers. * We give to the local community in shipway that connect to our customers.2. Respect for the IndividualFrom Walmarts earliest days as a sm every(prenominal) discount store, we have emphasized the importance of respect for every associate, every customer and every member of the community. But how do we show respect for the individual? * We value and recognize the contributions of every associate. * We own what we do with a sense of urgency, and empower each other to do the same. * We communicate by listening to all associates and sharing ideas and information.3. Striving fo r ExcellenceThe key to our success is forever looking for ways to improve ourselves and improve our business. We strive to lead not just our industry, but also each other to the next level of success. But how do we strive for excellence? * We innovate by trying new ways of doing things and improving every day. * We model a positive example as we pursue high expectations. * We work as a team by helping each other and asking for help. Business ModelValue suggestionWalmarts value proposition is based on offering Everyday Low Price (EDLP). This is the core of Walmarts Business Model, and the rest of the key features of Walmarts Business Model are aligned to keep the everyday low price. This proposition implies that the customers do not need to wait for sales to have the best deal possible (Manning et al., 1998). Besides, not only the sells convenience is associated by providing the wide range of products and services to choose from, but also with one-stop is possible to make all the s hopping needed, from groceries to pharmacy (Basker, 2007). Walmart customers save prison term and money.Distribution channelTo deliver its value proposition Walmart communicates with and reaches its customer discussion sections with its distribution channels which are owned and direct, and brings higher(prenominal) margin. Walmart also is corresponding with its customers mainly through mass media and other ways which have a low cost, such as internet.Customer relationships & Customer segmentWalmart establishes a customer relationship is based on self-service and automated and towards co-creation of some products once it is possible. Walmart tends to reach to the mass market toward mass customisation. Walmarts customers can be divided into three groups brand aspirations, people with low incomes who are obsessed with brand price-sensitive effluents wealthier shoppers who love deals and finally value-price shoppers who like low prices and cannot afford untold more (Barbaro, 2007). h eadstone activitiesThe key activities which are needed to run Walmarts business model are Purchasing goods Their delivery Total cost tick offOther activities would be to create products that will cover needs of a specific customer segment and to control the brand, which has been developing lately. Walmarts technological keenness is in its inventory control, logistics, and distribution (Basker, 2007). The ability to move products place to place quickly and efficiently keeps the costs down as well as the time system in combination with logistics force permits Walmart to have accurate time information of the products in the stores shelves that allows restocking automatically (Tierney, 2004). In addition the logistics involves the suppliers and workforce of 85000 employees, 147 far range distribution centers, transportation offices, more than 100.000 tractors and trailers and 8.000 drivers (Walmart logistics facts sheet).Key resourcesThe key resources of Walmart classified in 3 categ ories. First, the physical resources which are owned by it like stores and logistics. Second its kind-hearted resources, experienced managers and stores managers, and finally the company culture. Walmart culture is based on restless effort at constant self-improvement, discipline and loyalty (Fishman, 2006).Key partnershipKey partnership is a strong buyer-supplier relationship in which suppliers were considered as close partners of Walmart. They also are part of the value cooking stove of each other and it provides suppliers the guess of accessing to a large market. However it made suppliers, who wish to take advantages of its broad market, to keep their prices and costs low and therefore, suppliers give the control of their own business and duologue advantage to Walmart (Parnell and Lester, 2008). Walmart also creates economies of scale that optimizes its cost structure.Revenue streamWalmart Revenue Streams that generated from its customer segments are basically come from retai l sale, such as symphony downloading with fixed menu pricing. Walmart also drive revenue from selling its own brand, produces by others to cover a segment not cover by other suppliers. Moreover, it takes advantage of selling goods before paying to its suppliers.Cost structureThe Cost structure is cost-driven model since it is focused on minimizing costs wherever it is possible and it is characterized by economies of scale. The expansion of Walmart allowed it to benefit from economies of scale and reducing its cost besides its technology let it to grow and caused to lower its costs hence, economies of scale at both the chain levels and stores strengthen Walmarts advantage, rather than being its root cause (Basker, 2007). Walmarts financial discipline is well known as well as their tilt to pass operating costs to suppliers.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Catcher In the Rye vs. Grapes of Wrath Essay
The inherent aversion to putridness in clubhouse often inspires individuals to respond to the issue in hopes of minimizing the drastic effects it may have on people. This shared disdain for such degeneration is analyzed in The catcher in the Rye and The Grapes of Wrath. two authors address the corruption however they do so from dissimilar perspectives they come to differing resolutions. Both jocks in their novels experience isolation as a number of societys corruption however, Salingers chooses to isolate himself whereas Steinbecks experiences isolation inadvertently. J.D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath share a social commentary about how corruption pervades every aspect of society and due to societys corruption, people either experience isolation by choice or through and through condemnation.Alienation and isolation due to societys corruption is relevant in both(prenominal) novels through the characterization of the protagonists. Fo r example, Salinger develops H centenarianen Caulfield, a socially inadequate teenager who distances himself from others due to their phoniness. From the onset of the novel, Salinger develops Holdens desire to remove himself from society because of his belief that everyone is a phony. Although he disguises his motives to Old Spencer for leaving schools, Holden admits that The movement he left hand Elkton Hills was because he was surrounded by phonies.Thats all. They were coming in the goddam window (13). Holden goes to great efforts to distance himself from others believing that he alone is genuine and original in society. Later in the novel, Holden offs plans to go on a date with Sally Hayes and nearly cancels on account of her phony language. Analyzing her talk Holden thinks Grand. If in that respects one word I hate, its grand. Its so phony. For a second, I was tempted to tell her to for hold up about the matinee (106). Holden also mentally isolates himself he avoids social situations and even when in them, he distances himself with the confidence that whomever he is with is not worth his time. Holdens discovery of fuck you being written or shape publically further augments his hatred for societys corruption and because of them, he condemns society as a whole, not willing to make an exception for anyone.He ponders his death and thinks If I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, itll say Holden Caulfield on it, and then right nether that itll say Fuck you. Im positive, in fact (204). Holden is positive that all of society is corrupted and he judges those he encounters, as nearly as those he does not, never completely grasping that he is practically suspending whatever social existence he may have had. In The Catcher in the Rye Salingers protagonists objective is to be uninvolved in societal functions due to its corruption.Similar to The Catcher in the Rye, a central focus of The Grapes of Wrath is separation from so ciety and modern culture. Steinbecks protagonist, tomcat Joad, upon his arrival in California, is alienated and shunned because he is labeled as an Okie. The humanity of Toms alienation is revealed through the conversation he has with a migrant returning from California who found no work. The migrant man informs Tom that the term Okie use ta hold still for you was from Oklahoma. Now it means youre a a dirty son-of-a-bitch. Okie means youre scum. Dont mean nothing itself, its the way they say it (206).Tom, representing his whole family, is discriminated against merely because he is from Oklahoma. After Tom and his family stop shortly on their journey the men who shroud them discuss how drug-addicted the Okies are. The men wonder how Tom can make it through with such a junky car and they say Them goddam Okies got no sense and no feeling. they aint human. A human being wouldnt live like they do. A human being couldnt association it to be so dirty and miserable. They aint a hell o f a lot better than gorillas (221). Tom is treated like he is subordinate largely due to his socioeconomic condition, which is significantly worse than the people of California. Such harsh condemnation due to a place of origination reveals how societys corruption has lead to the inadvertent alienation Tom receives throughout the novel. Though Holden Caulfields isolation from others is deliberate, and Tom Joad is involuntarily segregated, isolation as a result of societys corruption plays a significant role in both novels.Salinger and Steinbeck also use different motifs to illustrate societys corruption and its effect on people. In The Catcher in the Rye Salinger uses the motif of the preservation of innocence to clarify the gravity of societys corruption. Holden loses his innocence as a child when his brother Allie dies.Although he cannot come to terms with his brothers death, Holden is confident that he can find solace by sparing the other innocent children from the corrupt societ y they live in. Holden tells his younger sister Phoebe, his main inspiration for preserving innocence, that he has to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff. He will comely be the catcher in the rye and all. He hunchs its crazy but thats the plainly thing hed really like to be (173). Holdens only ambition in life is to rescue children from falling into societys corruption. He is so infatuated with this notion that he even refuses to sleep with a prostitute that he has paid for. As the prostitute is waiting to do what she is getting paid for, Holden realizes how young she is and asks Dont you feel like talk for a while? and then acknowledges that It was a childish thing to say, but he was feeling so damn peculiar (95). So troubled by her disjointed innocence, Holden cannot bring himself to go through with it.Holden desires to drive out all evil throughout the novel, yet he realizes that he cannot. When Holden sees the words fuck you written in Phoebes school, Holden realizes that If you had a million years to do it in, you couldnt rub out even half the fuck you signs in the world. Its unachievable (202). The fact that he cannot save the world from societys corruption is difficult for Holden to accept but instills in him even much passion to do all he can to preserve as much innocence as possible. Thus, Salinger suggests that society and its corruption is far beyond salvable despite great efforts. orderlinesss corrupting influence of others can also be seen through Steinbecks motif of societys lies and deception. Steinbeck reveals the corruption in the car dealers as the Joad family is about to embark on their travels. The Joads need to get a car and such a process is full of lies from the car dealers who exploit the migrants necessities to make more profit. The dealers manipulate the migrants by the days bargain Makes folks come in though. If we sold that bargain at that price wed hardly make a dime. Tell em its jus sold (62). The cars dealer s are selling pieces of junk for ridiculous payments from the migrants who believe that they had missed the days bargain. Societys corruption is also embodied by the land owners in California who are sending out the handbills asking for men to work. A ragged old man informs the Joads that This fella wants eight hundred men.So he prints up five thousand of them things an maybe twenty thousan people sees em. An maybe two-three thousan folks get movin account a this here hanbill (189). The land owners are aware of the fact that migrants are so desperate for money and food and exploit their want by promoting their own need for people to work. When the multitudes of migrants come and are willing to work all day for only a couple biscuits, the land owners know they can use this for their own benefit by taking advantage of hard labor and little pay. Societys corruption is depicted through the authors development of motifs that reveal how pervasive it truly is.Salinger and Steinbecks comme ntary on the corruption of society and its effect differs greatly in the novels resolution of the protagonists and the development of their motifs. Although both authors use characterization to portray their social commentary, they go about it in two different manners. While the Grapes of Wrath, with respect to social alienation, focuses more on boon among those who are convincingly greater or high-class, The Catcher in the Ryes main characters intents are to be left out of societys affairs and people themselves. Salingers protagonist is a stagnant character who makes very little progress in works through societys corruption and trying to figure out how to handle it. Holden continues to fail to preserve the innocence as well as acknowledging his unfitness to get over the misconception that he himself has not been tainted by the corruption.On the other hand, Steinbeck develops Tom Joad, who goes about great transformation throughout the novel. Tom continues to raise up for what he knows to be a better form of society and even when he loses almost everything, continues to press on. The resolution of the two novels and their protagonists roles in them reveal the different views of social corruption they both have. Holdens lack of progress reveals Salingers belief that the corruption permeating society is incurable. Contrasting that, Steinbecks dynamic protagonist who makes society a little bit better reveals his confidence that there will be a day in which societys corruption will be minimized.The motifs developed by the two authors also expose the difference in social commentaries. Salingers motif of preserving innocence shows his desire to redeem what he can from society however, Holdens realization that such a task is impossible symbolizes his conviction that society will alship canal be corrupt. In contrast, the lies and deceit that pervade Steinbecks novel reveal societys corruption in every aspect and phase of life but he resolves his book with the Joads being successful. Although the two authors make the same social commentary about societys corruption, Steinbeck and Salinger present their ideas in fundamentally different ways with differing resolutions of their protagonists and differing motifs. Works CitedSteinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York Viking, 1939. Print. Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston Little, Brown, 1951. Print.View as multi-pages
Monday, May 20, 2019
Morality and Power Essay
Thucydides written muniment of the Mytilenian Debate and the Melian Dialogue reflects the reality of a decimal point where devotion is dependent on the exercise of power and those who possess it. The main theme running done the course of these two turns is that those with the power to act as they wish inherently have the power to place morality. The arguments that judge the fate of the Mytilene are made non strictly on the basis of morality solely on how their power allows them to exercise the moral course they choose.The Melian dialogue reveals how those in power underside ordain morality in terms of self-interest. Both cases also demonstrate how morality is also a intent of self-interest. The question of the relationship between power and morality also hinges on the definition of these two unclear terms. Morality, in the broader sense of moral order, has been defined as a set of rules which define what is unspoiled and wrong. (Outka and Reeder, p. 5) Who decides what is right and wrong often depends, as with Thucydides history, on who has the power in a given situation.Power can broadly be defined, as the capacity to achieve what one wants. (Dickerson and Flanagan, p. 24) In the case of these two debates, the Athenians were the companionship who possessed the power. They had the coercive ability to decide the fates of twain the Melians and the Mytilenians. This power was derived strictly from the military might their conglomerate was able to build up. In both cases, power allowed them to dictate morality to the inferior parties.Thucydides history of the Mytilenian debate details the discussion of a council deciding on how to punish the citizens of Mytilene for a failed revolt. The two options on the circuit card are to either whipping all the inhabitants, as had been previously agreed upon, or to leave them without frightful punishment. Cleon, the Athenian responsible of initially deciding to slaughter Mytilene, argued that it was necessar y to take his brutal course of implement for the safety of the empire. He stated succinctly that leadership depends on superior strength and not on goodwill. (Thucydides, p.213) He believed that killing the Mytilenians was a question of safety for the empire If you are going to give the resembling punishment to those who are blackjackd to revolt by your enemies and those who do so of their own accord, can you not see that they will all revolt upon the slightest pretext, when success means freedom and failure brings no very dreadful consequences. (Thucydides, p. 216) In this statement, Cleon argues that Athens has a moral duty to put down this revolt in the harshest way. He makes it a moral argument because it is in the self-interest of Athens, and any state, to protect its citizens.It is their moral duty. The Mytilenians, in their own self-interest, would argue that it is immoral to slaughter a whole population. They are both right. Subsequently, the council decides not to slau ghter the inhabitants of Mytilene. They are convinced to look for a method by which, employing moderation in our punishments, we can in future secure for ourselves the full use of those cities which bring us important contributions. (Thucydides, p. 221) They do this not the interest of the Mytilenians, but for one of pure self-interest. Morality, in this situation, is dictated by the party in power.The Melian Dialogue concerns the history of the island of Melos. Melis, a colony of Sparta, had refused to join the Athenian empire and side against Sparta they instead chose neutrality. Athens had brought a force to the island to take Melos by force. Before the siege, the two sides met to discuss the surrender of the Melians. (Thucydides, p. 401) Athens does not argue the morality of what they intend to do, they say safely that the standard of justice depends on the equality of power to compel and that in fact the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept. (Thucydides, p. 402) In this situation, power does not dictate morality it completely voids it. The Melians ask repeatedly if the Athenians would not agree to ? universe friends instead of enemies. The Athenians reply by saying that if we were on friendly terms with you, our subjects would regard that as a sign of weakness. (Thucydides, p. 402) The Melians question the Athenians morality by saying that this is not decorous victimize since they have not posed any direct threat to the Empire.Athens responds by saying that by conquering you we shall increase not only the size but the security of our empire? this is no fair fight? it is rather a question of obstetrical delivery your lives and not resisting those who are far too strong for you. (Thucydides, p. 403) In the end, the Melians do not surrender and the Athenian army slaughters them. In Thucydides history, those in power decide morality. In both of the aforementioned cases, both sides have had morality o n their side. The Mytilenians and Melians believed the moral precept of saving their own lives.The Athenians believed in the morality of preserving their empire. Neither side was right or wrong, neither side acted immorally. They both acted in their own self-interest. What decided the moral outcome was that Athenians had the power to impose their moral right on their powerless, but equally moral opponents. Works Cited Dickerson, Mark and Flanagan, Thomas Government and Politics Scarbourough, Ontario ITP Nelson, 1998 Outka, Gene and Reeeder, john Religion and Morality New York Anchor Books ,1973 Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War Toronto Penguin Books, 1972
Sunday, May 19, 2019
British contemporary art Essay
British coetaneous wile is the nontextual matter that developed in the late 20th century and early 21st century in Britain. It was this time when there came a kind of rejection for modern art and the force and dynamism of abstract expressionism reduced. At the end of 1950s secrete movements of early contemporary art developed Pop art that emerged formerly in England and started with the exhibition of This Is tomorrow.The sixties art scene saw David Hockney, Peter Blake and Richard Hamilton during this time. Pop art clear be characterized by descriptions of common places that were fit(p) in new artistic ontexts, optical flickering of the world(prenominal) pop art movement were seen in the paintings of some artists and various some other varieties in the ladder of numerous artists were appreciated. The styles that were diminished were hurl under the umbrella term of postmodernism. The development of new historicism, ironic and detached, which generated a number of artistic ne onism, marked the commencement of a new era in art.The young person British Artists movement in mid-nineties with the version of conceptual art that featured installations often achieved international recognition. Many new artists simultaneously tirred up and challenged history of art and gave a new definition to art that it is any tap of art is an entity, which in itself is self-sufficient. The new art seemed to be sometimes detached with social consciousness and concentrated on event driven themes and minorities like gay, feminism etc.Another trend that is being seen in numerous workings of art is the concept driven by the usance of photography and language as the substance. Further contemporary art movement includes digital art, which was initiated in 1970s but became prevalent with the beginning of 21st century. The digital artists construct use of softw ar and sophisticated computers along with video equipments and create an extremely different work of art. Damien Hirst, internationally renowned and leader of youthful British Artists dominated the art mankind in Britain in particular during 1990s.The central theme of Hirsts work is death and his famous work was a series of absolutely animals obeyd in methanal. The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living is a tiger shark dipped in formaldehyde in a vitrine and is of 14-feet, the sale of which do him worlds second highest expensive living artist. He is rise up known for his spin paintings and spot paintings. When considering international correspondation his first major one was Mother and Child Divided in which a moo-cow and a calf is cut into bandages and displayed in a series of split vitrines.Damien Hirst is considered as the second closely famous living British artist after David Hockney. He was born in 1965 in Bristol and was brought up by his mother and stepfather. Before going to college he did a underlying course in Leeds inform of Art and then moved to capi tal of the United Kingdom in 1986 and graduated in 1989 at Goldsmith College in BA Fine Art course. During his student life he held an exhibition Freeze in Docklands warehouse for which he himself conceived the idea, nonionic it as well as promoted it too.This exhibition commenced his career along with many other young British artists. In this Mishra 3 show several of Damiens art pieces were exhibited along with the industrial plant of his 16 fellow students of Goldsmith College. It can be said that this self-promoting exhibition gave way to starting Young British Artists movement. Ex-Thatcher ad-man, Charles Saatchi got impressed by his works and displayed some of his works in the first Charles Saatchis Young British Artists show.Saatchi even bought A Thousand Years, a piece of Damien in 1990 and since then he has created a lot of pieces and has been value by collectors as well as curators and his works are considered extraordinarily provocative. In 1991, he filled an art galler y with live tropical butterflies and presented an installation named In and come to the fore of Love. The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Minds of Someone Living, a piece that made him the second highest expensive living artist, was commissioned for closely US$32,000 in 1992.This made Damien a media motion-picture show and since then media and public both started to mitate, praise and also criticize him. The Young British Artists of Damiens contemporaries is completely different from their preceding generation and are well known for their entrepreneurial spirit, independence and media savvy. approximately of them are self-promoters and get sponsored privately. They did not depend on government agencies to discover their talent and then present them as was done earlier but instead they displayed their talent with the help of private sponsors who readily organized exhibitions for them.Hirst tried to develop exploration of mortality as the central theme of his artworks and extended it with humor, ynamism, novelty and enthusiasm. His The graphic History series, which is instead well known among his admirers, include dead animals presented, as momento mori as an irony on natural history. This series disclose the contemplation of his approach and the work of art has a visual effect which is not possible to be set forth in words. Without having the experience of the series one cannot imagine or envisage it.If Hirsts productions were to be categorized, it would be done in three types and they are paintings, the glassful cooler pieces and cabinet sculptures. Considering his paintings hat are divided into spot paintings and spin paintings. Spot paintings can be described as those paintings that are randomly organized and the canvases are color-spotted and their titles refer to pharmaceutical chemicals. Spin paintings are distributively created with the help of centrifugal force and is literary done on a spinning table.His glass armored combat vehicle sculptures include dead animals or animals cut into pieces like cows, shark or sheep that are kept in formaldehyde perched in death. Hirsts cabinet sculptures include collection of bottles of pills or surgical tools that are on highly arranged shelves. Damien Hirst was very quick in sharing his ideas and interest areas and very easily conveyed his message. His pieces of art were most simple but at the same time had complex ideas knitted along. Along with his paintings he expanded hobby-art technique that tried to attract audience towards the beauty and extreme energy of slapdash paintings.Hirsts piece of art in which a single fish is suspended in formaldehyde was admired as a symbol of advanced art and people came to know that how ordinary matters placed in an artistic manner could attract and emotional state beautiful. Some of Hirsts pieces of art ike Alone to that degree Together which included a cabinet that held 100 small fishes in small tanks of formaldehyde and evil of Me mory is Worse than Death which included a steel cage that contained several vitrines with surgical mask, syringe and gloves were auctioned but failed to sell.Damien puts the blame on media that it makes the public deal the flawed explanations from art critics and public get ill-conceived and believe in them without even actually viewing the artwork. Damien is of the opinion that people understand as well as appreciate artwork even if they dont possess an art degree because nyone has the basic knowledge of visual background, which makes them understand complex advertisements too. It is only because people are not exposed to artworks oftentimes they are unable to express or appreciate it.Damien now insists that his spin paintings should be provided with spinning equipment on the wall so that there is no confusion about the upper side of the painting. As distant his spot paintings are concerned they start become an icon of Hirsts artwork. Usually it is seen that Damiens work have r ecurring themes in a different way and one of is themes is cigarettes and the best example is his piece of work, Party Time. Damien considers smoking as a theoretical suicide and he stated, The concept of a slow suicide through smoking is a really great idea, a powerful thing to do.One more theme that is seen quite common in Hirsts art is medical examination equipment and he had been infatuated and he wants people to believe in art just as they believe in medicine. The flood of ideas and images that Damiens artwork creates leaves admirers of art amazed, fascinated and also threatened. One of the themes in Damiens paintings is emptiness like in He Tried to Internalize Everything and The Acquired Inability to Escape he displays a small cage like structure in which objects like desk, chair and other things usually compulsory for human interaction are seen covered with glass but there is human presence lacking.The relish or intension of the artists behind these works can only be exp erienced and there is no question of solving any problem in this piece of art. Since the things are inside a glass cage the thumbing seems to be suffocating and frustrating. Damien has fascination for glass because even though it is solid and touch-and-go it is transparent. It allows anyone to see anything but you cannot touch anything kept inside it. Damiens lots of tank pieces are with animals in formaldehyde where they cannot go through any natural process and he finds it quite difficult to preserve them completely.He believes that the idea behind any creation is more important than the actual piece that has been utilise for the purpose. He wants his creative pieces to last till his lifetime and he is not much bothered about them after it. These animals are most famous among his works and at the same time they have been quite controversial too. He was awarded the Turner Prize for Mother and Child, Divided and Damien says, I want people feel like burgers. I chose a cow because it was banal. Its just nothing. It doesnt mean anything. What is the difference amidst a cow and a burger?Not a lot I want people to look at cows and feel Oh My God, so then in turn, it makes them feel like burgers. Damien wants to make people look at ordinary things in a different way and he believes that they are frightening. He wants people to question because one thing that is useful in one way can be just opposite the other and this change of function is what makes things frightening. He says that the same is with art. He has trustworthy many letters in which people have protested, threatened or laid moral objections to the use of animals in Damiens artwork.But Damien himself is very sympathetic about animals and most of his animals are bought from slaughterhouses or have died their natural death. Damien had quite a lot of problem convincing concerned authority his pieces of art were to be considered art and not food, as he was not allowed to take his artwork for an exhibiti on in unify States. Again in August 1995 Damien was banned to exhibit his artwork Two Fucking, Two Watching which included dead cows fucking without formaldehyde.The objection was that the methane gas would explode the glass and would probably prompt emetic among the visitors. Damiens art installation that got changed into restaurant, which was followed to sale very shortly, is just an example that Damien is simply interested in art rather than conventional media. He is a versatile artist and his art include paintings, video, sculptures and every other media in between them. He has also designed cover art for albums, directed a music video and even was part of an art and film exhibition in 1996 at theHayward gallery with his short film Hanging Around.He included many of his pop star friends from London to provide music for this film. In 1998 he became a part of a pop group and enter two singles. Damien has also worked on quite a few side projects. Damiens work has been admired a nd exhibited in Britain, the USA, Korea, Australia and many other countries in Europe. His works are included in public museums and galleries as well as in lots of private collections too. He lives with his sons Connor and Cassius and his girlfriend Maia Norman in Devon and works at his home.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Importance of Handwash
Image description. Better Health Channel logotype End of image description. Hand wipeing why its important Anumberofinfectiousdiseasescanbe blossomfromonepersontoa nonherbycontaminateddetention, particularlygastrointestinalinfections,influenzaandhepatitisA. Washingyourhandsproperlycan helppreventthespreadoftheorganismsthat intellectthesediseases. Someformsofgastroenteritiscanca go forseriouscomplications,especi altogetheryforyoungchildren,the elderly,orthosewithaweakenedimmunesystem. Dryingyourhandsproperlyisasimportantas washingthem.Ima ge des crip When to wash your hands Youshouldwashyourhands exhaustively Beforepreparingfood Beforeeating Betweenhandlingrawandcookedorready-to-eatfood later ongoingtothetoiletorchangingnappies aftersmoking After exploitationa create from raw materialorhandkerchief Afterhandlingrubbishorworkinginthegarden Afterhandlinganimals Afterattendingtosickchildrenorotherfamilymembers. How to wash your hands properly Towashhandsproperly Wet yourhandswithaffectionatewater.Applyonedoseofliquid cleanand gash(wash)wellfor1520seconds(orlongerifthe dirtisingrained). Rubhandstogetherrapidly crosswaysallsurfacesofyourhandsandwriststohe lpremovedirt andgerms. Dontforgetthebacksofyourhands,yourwrists,betweenyourfingersand down the stairs(a)your fingernails. Ifpossible,removeringsandwatchesbeforeyouwashyourhands,orensureyoumove theringstowashunderthem,asmicroorganismscanexistunderthem. dustwellunderrunningwaterand extend tosurealltracesofsoap arremoved,asresidues maycauseirritation.Patyourhandsdryusingpapertowels(orsingle-useclothtowels). Makesureyourhands arethoroughlydry. Dryunder allringsyouwear,astheycanbeasourceoffuturecontaminationifthey remainmoist. gameyairdrierscanbeusedbut,again,youshouldensureyourhandsarethoroughlydry. Athome, employeachfamilymembertheirowntowelandwashthetowelsoften. Handwashingwhyitsimportant Page1of4 Howtowashanddryhandswithliquidsoapandwater(Clicktoopenlargerimage) Use warm waterColdwaterisbetter thannowateratallforaone-offhandwash,butshouldnotbeusedfor routinehandwashing. trouncelathers(soapsup)betterwithwarmwater. Theactiveingredientson thesurfaceofthesoaparereleasedmoreeasily,makingthemmoreeffectiveincleaningyour handsofdirt,greaseandoils,without strippingawaythenaturaloilsinyourskin. Usingcoldorhot watercan similarlydamagetheskinsnaturaloils. Overtime,thiscancausedermatitis. Soap is important Soapcontainsingredientsthatwillhelpto Loosendirtonyourhands.Softenwater,makingiteasiertolatherthesoapoveryourhands. Rinseyourhands,leavingnoresiduestoirritateanddryyourskin. SoapscanhavedifferentpHtheymaybeneutral,slightlyalkalineorslightlyacidic. Thatswhy somesoapsirritatesome mountainandnotothers. Perfumesinsoapcanbeanotherreasonwhy some large numberhaveskinreactions. Liquid soap is best Handwashingwhyitsimportant Page2of4 Generally,itisbettertouseliquidsoapthanbarsoap,particularlyatwork.Thebenefitsofliquid soap embroil Hygieneitislesslikelytobecontaminated. Right amountli quidsoapdispensersdonotdispensemorethanrequired(moreisnot better). Less wasteitseasiertouse,withlesswastage. Drop-incassettedispensersuseallthe soap. Saves timeliquidsoapdispensersareeasyandefficienttouse. Disposableliquidsoapcassettesareconvenient,asyoudonothavetowashandthoroughlydry therefillablecontainerbeforerefilling. Ifyouwanttouserefillablecont
Friday, May 17, 2019
Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart
brisk Cement define Process F wretched map The of import stark naked materials used in the cement manufacturing go are limest oneness, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usuall(a)y mine on site turn the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial spin-offs. The use of by- harvesting materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development. In the nonsensical process, the slurry is fed to a whirligig kiln, which can be from 3. m to 5. 0 m in diameter and from 120. 0 m to 165. 0 m in length. The rotary kiln is do of steel and lined with limited refractory materials to foster it from the uplifted process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process. In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150. 0 meters. Material from the preheater tow er is discharged to a rotary kiln with can render the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45. m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. supple Cement smasher Packaging Plant Our Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant primarily including Mobile Jaw Crusher Plant , Mobile Cone Crusher Plant , Mobile Impact Crusher Plant , the lively cement bag packaging plant specification 1. Available in 2 6 Spouts put 2. Available in Wheel mounted or Fix Models. 3. Auto-weighing musical arrangement with bag pushing dodge 4.Pre-assembled with solenoid valve, limit switch etc. 5 Sub-divided in to Heavy responsibility Air Compressor 6 subject 10- 60 ton per hour. The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until indispensable for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to sort the final exam cement products. Fineness of the final products, amount of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all wide-ranging to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Our mobile cement plants are used in Indonesia, Vietnam , Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan , Yeman, Eygpt, Nigeria, Tajikistan , Saudi Arabia , Zimbabwe, Dubai, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil. Cement Plant Equipment 1. Kilns We have manufactured high- persona kilns, made of varied materials, since a long period of time. All kilns are resplendent heat exchangers where heat is transferred in a variety of ways. We produce kilns which are made with precision and elaborate accuracy.They are highly perpetual and made with attention to each and every detail as provided by the client. 2. High Efficiency Separators We similarly come out high efficiency separators with our cement plants. High availability, high selectivity, low energy consumption, proper product separation, cooling and drying, and relatively low capital expenditure are all the features available in our high-efficiency separator.. 3. CrushersA machine to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into little chunks.It is widely used in a cement plant. We are manufacturers of a wide range of crushers. We supply all types of crushers and crushing equipment to be used in cement plants. 4. Feeders We supply you a range of feeders in varying sizes and shapes. Used in cement plants, the feeders we are offering are efficiently designed for well-grounded duty applications. Available in different capacities and sizes, our feeders have been well-tested for facilitating uniform flow of materials to the crusher and conveyors. 5.Conveyors We offer our customers with premium quality conveyors which are used for transporting products from one end to another. Highly durable and robust, our conveyors are specially designed to distribute all types of load and materials in a cement plant. 6. Hoppers Our range of hoppers are available in versatile capacities as required by customers. These hoppers are highly durable and have a rugged performance. give to the technological developments, our products have successfully met the industrial standards.Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow ChartMobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development. In the wet process, the slurry is fed to a rotary kiln, which can be from 3. m to 5. 0 m in diameter and from 120. 0 m to 165. 0 m in length. The rotary kiln is made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process. In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150. 0 meters. Material from the preheater tower is discharged to a rotary kiln with can have the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45. m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant Our Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant mainly including Mobile Jaw Crusher Plant , Mobile Cone Crusher Plant , Mobile Impact Crusher Plant , the mobile cement bag packaging plant specification 1. Available in 2 6 Spouts model 2. Available in Wheel mounted or Fix Models. 3. Auto-weighing system with bag pushing system 4.Pre-assembled with solenoid valve, limit switch etc. 5 Sub-divided in to Heavy duty Air Compressor 6 Capacity 10- 60 ton per hour. The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until needed for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to form the final cement products. Fineness of the final products, amount of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all varied to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Our mobile cement plants are used in Indonesia, Vietnam , Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan , Yeman, Eygpt, Nigeria, Tajikistan , Saudi Arabia , Zimbabwe, Dubai, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil. Cement Plant Equipment 1. Kilns We have manufactured high-quality kilns, made of varied materials, since a long period of time. All kilns are excellent heat exchangers where heat is transferred in a variety of ways. We produce kilns which are made with precision and detaile d accuracy.They are highly durable and made with attention to each and every detail as provided by the client. 2. High Efficiency Separators We also supply high efficiency separators with our cement plants. High availability, high selectivity, low energy consumption, proper product separation, cooling and drying, and relatively low capital expenditure are all the features available in our high-efficiency separator.. 3. CrushersA machine to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into smaller chunks.It is widely used in a cement plant. We are manufacturers of a wide range of crushers. We supply all types of crushers and crushing equipment to be used in cement plants. 4. Feeders We supply you a range of feeders in varying sizes and shapes. Used in cement plants, the feeders we are offering are efficiently designed for heavy duty applications. Available in different capacities and sizes, our feeders have been well-tested for facilitating uniform flow of materials to the crusher and c onveyors. 5.Conveyors We offer our customers with premium quality conveyors which are used for transporting products from one end to another. Highly durable and robust, our conveyors are specially designed to handle all types of load and materials in a cement plant. 6. Hoppers Our range of hoppers are available in various capacities as required by customers. These hoppers are highly durable and have a rugged performance. Catering to the technological developments, our products have successfully met the industrial standards.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Banking Sector Reform Essay
From the 1991 India stinting crisis to its status of third adultst economy in the world by 2011, India has grown signifi crappertly in ground of scotch development. So has its asserting sector. During this period, recognizing the evolving needs of the sector, the Finance Ministry of G all all overnment of India (GOI) set up various perpetrations with the task of analyzing Indias banking sector and barracking legislation and regulations to subscribe to it more effective, emulous and efficient.1 Two such expert charges were set up under the chairmanship of M. Narasimham. They submitted their recommendations in the 1990s in reports widely known as the Narasimham perpetration-I (1991) report and the Narasimham military commission-II (1998) Report.These recommendations not al whizz helped unleash the po 10tial of banking in India, they are also recognized as a factor towards minimizing the bushel of international fiscal crisis starting in 2007. Unlike the socialist-democra tic era of the 1960s to 1980s, India is no longer insulated from the global economy and yet its banks survived the 2008 fiscal crisis relatively unscathed, a feat due in part to theseNarasimham Committees.2 table of contents hide * 1 Background * 2 Recommendations of the Committee * 2.1 Autonomy in cambering * 2.2 Reform in the constituent of rbi * 2.3 Stronger banking system * 2.4 Non-performing assets * 2.5 Capital enough and tightening of provisioning norms * 2.6 Entry of unlike Banks * 3 Implementation of recommendations * 4 reprovalBackgroundDuring the decades of the 60s and the 70s, India nationalised most of its banks. This culminated with the balance of payments crisis of the Indian economy where India had to airlift g ageing to internationalist Monetary Fund (IMF) to loan silver to piece its pecuniary obligations. This event called into question the previous banking policies of India and triggered the era of economic liberalisation in India in 1991. Given that rig idities and weaknesses had made undecomposed inroads into the Indian banking system by the late 1980s, the Government of India (GOI), post-crisis, took some(prenominal) steps to remodel the countrys financial system. (Some claim that these reforms were influenced by the IMF and the World Bank as part of their loan conditionality to India in 1991).3 The banking sector, handling 80% of the play of money in the economy, needed serious reforms to make it internationally reputable, accelerate the pace of reforms and develop it into a constructive usher of an efficient, vibrant and competitive economy by adequately supporting the countrys financial needs.4In the light of these requirements, devil expert Committees were set up in 1990s under the chairmanship of M. Narasimham (an ex- rbi ( derivationpile Bank of India) governor) which are widely credit for spearheading the financial sector reform in India.3 The premier Narasimhan Committee (Committee on the Financial System CFS) was appointive by Manmohan Singh as Indias Finance Minister on 14 August 1991,15 and the second one (Committee on Banking Sector Reforms)6 was appointed by P.Chidambaram7 as Finance Minister in December 1997.8 Subsequently, the first one widely came to be known as the Narasimham Committee-I (1991)and the second one as Narasimham-II Committee(1998).910 This article is approximately the recommendations of the Second Narasimham Committee, the Committee on Banking Sector Reforms.The purpose of the Narasimham-I Committee was to study all aspects relating to the structure, organization, ferments and procedures of the financial systems and to recommend improvements in their efficiency and productivity. The Committee submitted its report to the Finance Minister in November 1991 which was tabled in Parliament on 17 December 1991.6 The Narasimham-II Committee was tasked with the progress review of the accomplishation of the banking reforms since 1992 with the aim of further strengthening the financial cornerstones of India.4It focussed on issues like size of banks and capital sufficiency ratio among former(a) things.9 M. Narasimham, Chairman, submitted the report of the Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (Committee-II) to the Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha in April 1998.49Recommendations of the CommitteeThe 1998 report of the Committee to the GOI made the sideline major recommendationsAutonomy in BankingGreater autonomy was proposed for the public sector banks in order for them to function with equivalent professionalism as their international counterparts.11 For this the panel recommended that recruitment procedures, training and remuneration policies of public sector banks be brought in line with the best-market-practices of professional bank management.46 Secondly, the committee recommended GOI equity in nationalized banks be lessen to 33% for increased autonomy.41213 It also recommended the rbi relinquish its seats on the board of directors of these banks. Th e committee further added that tending(p) that the regime nominees to the board of banks are often members of parliament, politicians, bureaucrats, etc., they often interfere in the day-to-day operations of the bank in the form of the behest-lending.4As such the committee recommended a review of functions of banks boards with a view to make them responsible for enhancing shareholder value through formulation of corporate strategy and reduction of government equity.11 To implement this, criteria for autonomous status was identified by March 1999 (among other murder measures) and 17 banks were considered eligible for autonomy.14 whole some recommendations like reduction in Governments equity to 33%,1315 the issue of cracking professionalism and independence of the board of directors of public sector banks is still awaiting Government follow-through and implementation.16Reform in the quality of rbiFirst, the committee recommended that the RBI withdraw from the 91-day treasury bills market and that interbank call money and term money markets be restricted to banks and primary dealers.614 Second, the Committee proposed a segregation of the roles of RBI as a governor of banks and owner of bank.17 It observed that The Reserve Bank as a regulator of the monetary system should not be the owner of a bank in view of a possible conflict of amour. As such, it highlighted that RBIs role of effective supervision was not adequate and wanted it to discase its holdings in banks and financial institutions. Pursuant to the recommendations, the RBI introduced a Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) operated through repo and drive off repos in order to set a corridor for money market vex rates.To begin with, in April 1999, an meanwhile Liquidity Adjustment Facility (ILAF) was introduced pending further upgradation in technology and legal/procedural changes to quicken electronic transfer.18As for the second recommendation, the RBI resolved to transfer its respective s hareholdings of public banks like State Bank of India (SBI), National Housing Bank (NHB) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to GOI. Subsequently, in 2007-08, GOI decided to acquire entire stake of RBI in SBI, NHB and NABARD. Of these, the terms of sale for SBI were finalised in 2007-08 itself.19Stronger banking systemThe Committee recommended for merger of large Indian banks to make them strong enough for supporting international trade.11 It recommended a 3 tier banking structure in India through establishment of three large banks with international presence, eight to ten national banks and a large number of regional and local banks.4911 This proposal had been severely criticized by the RBI employees union.20 The Committee recommended the use of mergers to build the size and strength of operations for each bank.12 However, it cautioned that large banks should merge and with banks of equivalent size and not with weaker banks, which should be closed dow n if unable to revitalize themselves.6 Given the large percentage of non-performing assets for weaker banks, some as high as 20% of their total assets, the concept of narrow banking was proposed to do in their rehabilitation.11 There were a string of mergers in banks of India during the late 90s and early 2000s, encouraged strongly by the Government of IndiaGOI in line with the Committees recommendations.21However, the recommended degree of consolidation is still awaiting sufficient government impetus.16Non-performing assetsNon-performing assets had been the single largest cause of irritation of the banking sector of India.4 Earlier the Narasimham Committee-I had broadly concluded that the main reason for the reduced profitability of the commercial banks in India was the priority sector lending. The committee had highlighted that priority sector lending was tether to the build up of non-performing assets of the banks and thus it recommended it to be phased out.10 Subsequently, the Narasimham Committee-II also highlighted the need for zero non-performing assets for all Indian banks with International presence.10 The 1998 report further blamed poor credit decisions, behest-lending and cyclical economic factors among other reasons for the build up of the non-performing assets of these banks to uncomfortably high levels.The Committee recommended creation of Asset reconstruction Funds or Asset reconstruction Companies to take over the bad debts of banks, allowing them to start on a clean-slate.42223 The option of recapitalization through budgetary victual was ruled out. Overall the committee wanted a proper system to identify and classify NPAs,6 NPAs to be brought down to 3% by 20024 and for an independent loan review meachnism for improved management of loan portfolios.6 The committees recommendations let to introduction of a new legislation which was subsequently employ as the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 and came into force with effect from 21 June 2002.242526Capital adequacy and tightening of provisioning normsIn order to improve the inherent strength of the Indian banking system the committee recommended that the Government should raise the appointed capital adequacy norms.9 This would also improve their risk taking ability.11 The committee targeted raising the capital adequacy ratio to 9% by 2000 and 10% by 2002 and build penal provisions for banks that fail to meet these requirements.46 For asset classification, the Committee recommended a mandatory 1% in case of standard assets and for the accrual of interest income to be done e real 90 days instead of 180 days.14To implement these recommendations, the RBI in Oct 1998, initiated the second phase of financial sector reforms by raising the banks capital adequacy ratio by 1% and tightening the prudential norms for provisioning and asset classification in a phased manner on the lines of the Narasimham Committee -II report.27 The RBI targeted to bring the capital adequacy ratio to 9% by March 2001.28 The mid-term Review of the Monetary and conviction Policy of RBI announced another series of reforms, in line with the recommendations with the Committee, in October 1999.14Entry of Foreign BanksThe committee suggested that the foreign banks seeking to set up business in India should fork over a stripped-down start-up capital of $25 million as against the existing requirement of $10 million. It said that foreign banks can be allowed to set up subsidiaries and joint ventures that should be treated on a par with offstage banks.4Implementation of recommendationsIn 1998, RBI Governor Bimal Jalan informed the banks that the RBI had a three to four socio-economic class perspective on the implementation of the Committees recommendations.27 Based on the other recommendations of the committee, the concept of a universal bank was discussed by the RBI and finally ICICI bank became the first universal bank of India.182930 The RBI published an Actions Taken on the Recommendations report on 31 October 2001 on its own website. Most of the recommendations of the Committee have been acted upon (as discussed above) although some major recommendations are still awaiting action from the Government of India.31CriticismThere were protests by employee unions of banks in India against the report. The Union of RBI employees made a strong protest against the Narasimham II Report.20 There were other plans by the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), representing about 1.3 million bank employees in India, to meet in Delhi and to work out a plan of action in the wake of the Narasimham Committee report on banking reforms. The committee was also criticized in some quarters as anti-poor. According to some, the committees failed to recommend measures for faster backup man of poverty in India by generating new employment.3 This caused some suffering to dwarfish borrowers ( twain individuals and busin esses in tiny, micro and small sectors).ReceptionInitially, the recommendations were well received in all quarters, including the Planning Commission of India leading to successful implementation of most of its recommendations.32 Then it turned out that during the 2008 economic crisis of major economies worldwide, performance of Indian banking sector was far-off better than their international counterparts. This was also credited to the successful implementation of the recommendations of the Narasimham Committee-II with particular reference to the capital adequacy norms and the recapitalization of the public sector banks.2 The impact of the two committees has been so significant that elite politicians and financial sectors professionals have been discussing these reports for more than a decade since their first submission applauding their positive contribution Prime Ministers book of facts at RBI Platinum Jubilee Celebrations The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh addressed the Pl atinum Jubilee celebrations of the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai today. chase is the text of the Prime Ministers address on the occasionIt is indeed a great pleasure to be here in Mumbai for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Reserve Bank of India. For me, this is also a very special moment of nostalgia. I spent some very memorable years in this institution as its Governor. My wife and I cherish the memories of many new enduring friendships that we made during those memorable days. I also recall with deep appreciation the role played by the Reserve Bank in helping the Government of India in the implementation of the agenda for economic reforms when I was the Finance Minister of India at a very difficult time in our countrys economic history. To return as Prime Minister for the Platinum Jubilee of this great institution is indeed an emotionally moving experience for me.When I took over as Finance Minister in 1991, I was convinced that the economic liberalisation and reforms could only succeed if complemented by broad based reform in the banking and financial sectors. I turned to my old friend and former RBI Governor Shri M Narasimham to Chair a Committee to make recommendations on this very important issue. The Report of the Narasimham Committee outlined a comprehensive agenda of reform which served as a blue print of what we needed to do in subsequent years.It would have been difficult to implement those reforms had they not received enthusiastic support, as they did, from the Governor of the day, Shri S. Venkitaramanan and Dr. Rangrajan. Subsequently as Venitramanans successor Dr C. Rangarajan took the financial reform agenda further forward in many critical ranges, including especially the ending of reflexive monetisation of the governments deficit.As with economic reforms in general, financial sector reforms in India were implemented at a gradual pace. We were often criticised for our incremental approach which critics often complained was far to o slow. moreover few would deny that we have accomplished a great deal over the years and Reserve Bank has made important contribution towards this. We have successfully eliminated stifling controls on industry and investiture. We have opened the economy to foreign trade, lowered tariffs and switched over to a market determined exchange rate. We have liberalised capital controls enabling the economy to absorb substantial inflows of capital in the form of both FDI and FII flows into the stock market. In recent years, foreign investment has also become a two way flow as many Indian companies have established a presence abroad through investment or acquisition.All of this has been achieved without experiencing a serious macro economic crisis or severe inflation over an extended period. Most importantly, the real economy has clearly prospered. The rate of growth of GDP has increased steady over the past two decades, culminating in an unprecedented 9 percent growth per year in the four year period just before the global financial crisis. Poverty too, has declined steadily, though this is an area where much more remains to be done.The Reserve Bank of India has played a major role in this transformation. It has been a lead player in banking and financial sector reforms and has acted as a confidential adviser to the Government on many other issues relevant to the complex task of macro economic management in an increasingly open and liberalised economic environment. Indeed, it is one of our great institutions of which we can all be truly proud.The past two years have been difficult years for governments and central banks all over the world. Excessive credit expansion and asset price inflation both fuelled by so-called financial innovations of dubious value, and a lax regulatory environment led to an accumulation of risk that was not adequately understood and ultimately produced a severe crisis.India was relatively insulated from these developments because our financ ial system was much less coordinated with the global system. However, the RBI deserves credit for having been prescient about the dangers posed by property bubbles. The action interpreted by Governor Reddy, who is present here, well before the crisis to tighten bank credit against real estate, particular(a) bank exposure on this account.When the crisis exploded in September 2008, the RBI rapidly reversed its preliminary tightening of credit to meet the new and changed circumstances. The CRR and the repo and reverse repo rates were rapidly lowered in a series of quick steps. Some initiatives were also taken to enhance access to bank credit by Non Banking Finance Companies. Signs of panic withdrawals from some private sector banks in the initial weeks of the crisis were met with strong reassurances by both the Government and the RBI that our banks were sound and would be fully supported.Ensuring that the Indian financial system remained stable in these very difficult times was a ma jor achievement in financial and economic management. I would like to compliment Governor Subbarao and his team at the RBI for the role they played in this period.
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